Chapter 25

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I look to my side to see nove sleeping in the passenger seat, I smile and continue driving

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I look to my side to see nove sleeping in the passenger seat, I smile and continue driving.

I still can't believe she said yes to me being her boyfriend, it feels weird to say. I've never liked anyone as much as I liked her, well I've never liked anyone before.

I look down at my phone responding to ma's thousands of questions of how the date went and if I asked her I responded 'it went amazing and yes I did she said yes I'll tell you more tomorrow, love you'.

I just know my whole family will be showing up tomorrow after hearing me being in an relationship for the first time in so many years, yes I had flings and whatever but nothing serious and I'm glad I waited so long to meet her.

My nova, my one and only.


"Dimples" I whispered quietly trying to wake her up as we arrived at my house, I ask her earlier on when we were heading to the car if she wanted to go back to mine and she agreed.

She groans with a pout looking up at me, I chuckled, "come on mi amore" I slowly lift her up she quickly wraps her legs and arms around me, I grab her bag and shut the door, and walk to the front door.

I walk in switching the lights on knowing I'll come back down here in a few and walk upstairs to my bedroom.

I yawn walking closer to my bed placing her down, she flutters her eyes open, "don't leave me" she said grabbing, pulling me back to her.

"Lovely let me get some wipes for you okay" nova sighed and let's me go, I walk to the bathroom grabbing some makeup wipes i bought for her and some moisturiser i bought for her as well. And yes I had to come prepared if she did say yes and well she did.

I walk over to her and gently wiping her face I smile at her natural beauty and peck her forehead then placing some moisturiser on her face rubbing it in.

I place the stuff to the side grabbing the blanket underneath her and tucking her in, I stand straight and start walking out the room.

"Where are you going?" I turn my attention to nova, "I need to do something then I'll come right back mi amore" she nods and turns to her side.

I walk out the room and down the stairs, I walk in the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and taking a sip leaning back on the counter.


I roll my eyes knowing it's Adam, I answer placing my phone my ear.

"Well hello bestie boo bear"

"What do you want?"

"Ooh someone doesn't sound happy did she say no?" He mocks me chuckling.

"No she said yes, you just ruined my mood" I said as I turn all the lights off and walk upstairs to my bedroom.

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