Chapter 19

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Then I slam my lips against hers

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Then I slam my lips against hers.


We pull apart after a long and awaited kiss, I smile leaning my forehead against hers, I look down to see her cheeks turn into a bright shade of pink.

"Finally" I whisper,

"What?" She questions me scrunching her nose,

"Nothing" I chuckle and give her a peck on the lips getting off of her and pass her burger.

She just rolls her eyes and take a bite from her burger,

"Let's watch a movie" I suggest grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

"LETS WATCH ALADDIN!" Nove yells grabbing the remote from my hand and puts on Disney+

"I never said disney movies" I groan falling back into the bed.

"Shoosh it's the best Disney movie" she points at me, "and Aladdin is so fine" she shrugs playing the movie,

I scoff and look at the tv screen to see the live action Aladdin on the screen, I groan of course it's the live action one, my little sister watches it twenty four-seven and makes me watch it with her.

She squeals jumping up and down when she sees jasmine, "jasmine is my favourite princess" nove turns to me and shakes my shoulder, I gently push her away but grab her arms and pull her on top of me so her head is leaning against my chest and wrap my arms around her as she finish eating her burger.

"Can you get me 10 piece nuggets tomorrow?" I hum smiling down at her, pulling her more closer to me and watch the movie with my future wife.



I open my eyes groaning to see my phone lighting up by someone calling me,

I try to get up but realise nova is sleeping on top of me, I stretch my arm out and grab my phone answer the call.

"Hello?" I say in a low voice,

"SEB YOU FINALLY ANSWERED" I hear Adam yell over the phone.

"Mhm what do you want?"


My eyes widen, "what? What happened?"

"JUST COME ILL TELL YOU WHEN YOU GET HERE" he hangs up before I could say anything.

I check the time seeing it's 3:30 in the morning, couldn't he wait 'til morning.

I huff and gently pull Nova off me and get up slowly so she doesn't wake up, I give her a kiss on the forehead, grab my shoes sliding them on and walking out making sure the door is locked in the inside and head out to my car.

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