Chapter 18

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Two days later,Sunday

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Two days later,

Right now I'm helping Rye pick out an outfit for her date with Adam, YES HE ASKED HER OUT!

I was so excited for her, I could see how close they got that night at the club after the incident with Rye dancing with another guy.

"Ok so blue or pink... or maybe black?"

They are going to a really nice restaurant that's all Adam said to her on call this morning.

"Black more classy ya know" I tell her picking up the rest of the dresses she laid everything,

"Yeah yeah true, let me go have a quick shower then change" she grabs the dress and a towel with her and rushes to the bathroom slamming the door shut.

I sigh, my baby is growing up too fast.

I just can't believe she's going on a date, like an actual date!!

I go over to my bed to see my phone buzzing by someone calling I check the caller id seeing 'other half' looks like someone missed me that much,

I pick my phone up and answer,

"Well hello, look who finally picks up the call by her sweet twin brother"

"Sweet? You must got the wrong number sweetie because I have a dumbass of a brother"

"Woww, that's not very nice to say to your older brother"

"BY TWO MINUTES" I yell into the phone,

"Jeez woman you still got the same loud ass voice as our mother"

"¿¡QUIERES UN CHICO ESTÚPIDO BACKHANDER!?" I laugh hard hearing my mothers voice and my brother nervously laughing. [DO YOU WANT A BACKHANDER STUPID BOY!?]

"N- no mum I didn't mean it I was just saying your daughter has a loud voice"

I hear a loud gasp in the background then shuffling,

"Dios mío, hola mi dulce hija." [oh my gosh, hello my sweet daughter]

"Hola mamá, ¿cómo estás?" [hey mum, how are you?]

"bueno ahora que estoy hablando con mi hija" [good now that I'm talking to my daughter]

"Nosotras literalmente acabamos de hablar ayer-" I get cut off my the bathroom door opening, my jaw drops. [we literally just talked yesterday]

"Sooo how do I look?" Rye says spinning around for me, I press face time to show my ma.

"oh mi amor te ves increíble" [oh my, my love you look amazing]

"Is that your mum?" she whispers pointing to my phone and I nod,

Rye quickly rushes over to me and flips the camera around to see her face.

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