Chapter 10

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"Have you talked to your twin yet?" Rye says jumping on my bed as I'm finishing off Punk 57,

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Have you talked to your twin yet?" Rye says jumping on my bed as I'm finishing off Punk 57,

"No ever since I got here I haven't had the time to call him" I shrug,

"Then call him you idiot, he could probably be dying right now" Rye gives me a pointed look, i sigh,

"Fine" I put my book mark back into the book and grab my phone from my bedside table that's on charge,

"Siri call mi gemelo" now we have to wait, [my twin]

"About time you called me bitch" Noah says finally answering the phone, I laugh at him,

"Sorry I've been busy with soccer and my assignments" I apologise,

"It's fine, how are you doing sis like really?" Noah asks concerned, I smile, I miss him so much man.

"I'm doing amazing actually, I've made the soccer team andddd... I MADE THE TEAM CAPTAIN!!"

"WHAT THATS AMAZING!!" Noah screams,

"WHAT WHAT HAPPENED? WHY ARE YOU YELLING!" Someone says over the phone, that's not who I think it is, is it?


"WAIT WHAT!! You are talking to her without me" Grayson says in disbelief,

"You mean we" I hear the others talking in the background,

"Put her on FaceTime I wanna see her" Ethan says wait I think that was Ethan or was it Elijah? I can't tell the difference with there voices they sound exactly the same, twin things I guess.

"Ok Nove I'm going to put you on FaceTime" Noah tells me,

"Yeah ok" I take my phone off my ear and wait till he puts us on FaceTime,

"OMG NOVY IS THAT REALLY YOU!!" I roll my eyes at Theo, he may be 28 but he still acts like a child.

"Hey lil sis how's college going?" Oliver now asks me, I smile at him, Oliver is another one of my favourite brothers he may be cold but he's really nice when you get to know him.

"It's doing amazing, better than last year actually" I say still smiling looking at my 6 older brothers even tho Noah is 1 minute older than me,

"Yeah most definitely better than last year, now we finally have a dorm to our selves" Rye now speaks up coming into the frame of my phone so they can see her,

"Hi Rye Rye" all my brothers say at the same time, I look at Grayson seeing him blushing, I smirk I knew he had a crush on her for a long time, he's liked her for about 2 years now p.s he told me the day after I was leaving for my first year of college. THEY WOULD BE THE CUTEST COUPLE EVER!!

"HI GUYS!! What have you been up to?" Rye asks them,

"Well I've been practicing more soccer skills" Noah says, like brother like sister,

"I've been busy with work, you know taking over my parent's business is hard" Oliver shrugs,

"Nothing much I've been reading the books Nove recommended for me" Grayson smiles, I kind of got him into reading and I'm happy to finally have someone to talk about them,

"Boxing" "Football" Ethan and Elijah say at the same time, I don't like how Ethan does boxing I hate to see him all bloody and bruised it gives me the heebie-jeebies, I also nearly fainted seeing all the blood,

"I've done nothing, I don't know what to do without N here" Theo shrugs, aww I miss him so much, I mean I miss all of them.

"That's cool keep up the good work boys and really? Theo really? You haven't done one thing while Novys been gone" Rye says not believing it,

"It's true all he has been doing is sleeping and eating" Noah says,

"Theo come on now, do something with your brothers for once have some fun without me, please" I tell Theo,

"Whyyyy??" Theo whines, I roll my eyes at him,

"Because you must be losing your mind right now, when I'm there we usually pass the ball to each other, play some soccer with Noah we are literally the same person" I shrug, literally we are the same person but instead of reading books he plays video games.

"fineeee" Theo whines and rolls his eyes at me,

"Oh shit!" I turn to Rye to see what's happening,

"What? What happened?" I ask concerned,

"Our English teacher just sent out the due date to our assignment" Rye says scared,

"What's the date??" I say worriedly,

"In... two... days..." Rye says it slowly,

"WHAT!!! I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED!!" I start yelling now,

"What's going on?" Oliver says concerned, I turn back to my phone and start biting my nails,

"Umm me and Rye have an assignment due in two... days..." I say "and we haven't even started it yet"

"WHAT!! You didn't start it? How? Why? You are usually the first person to finish it"

"I know I know, but we didn't know when the due date was we thought it was going to be in like 3 weeks but I guess not, but I really need to go guys to start on it and finish it" I tell Oliver and my other brothers.

"Yeah we get it little sis don't worry, we'll leave you be, make sure you call us soon, okay?" Theo now says,

"Of course, I love you all, bye!!" I wave my hand at them,

"WE LOVE YOU MORE!!! BYEEE!!" They all say at the same time and hang up, I smile they are literally the best big brothers ever!!

I look up to see Rye jumping off my bed and now jumping on her bed and grabbing her laptop that's already open and start doing her work.

I then grab my laptop that's right next to me as I was going to watch Netflix after I finish reading but I guess that's not going to happen now.

I open my laptop and put in my password, I then open the file that got sent to me a long time ago and then open word starting my assignment.


It's now 3:30 in the morning I sigh sending my assignment off to my teacher, closing my laptop I put it on my desk that's at the end of my bed and placing it down charging it.

I then grab my phone and put it on charge on my bedside table, I lay back on my bed and sigh, never in my life I've ever felt this tired.

I grab the blanket that's right next to me because I can't be bothered to grab the one underneath me, I wrap my self up into a burrito and start closing my eyes and falling asleep...


Guys I'm going to cry my family found out about my book but they haven't read the chapters so that's pretty good they just know what it's about😭

I had to fight my older cousin to get my idea book back that's how they found out about it😭





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