Chapter 21

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"How do you two know each other?" Oliver questions us.

"Oh my gosh! I knew it!" My mother squeals, "it's the Nova that stole my baby boys heart" she jumps up and down, then pulls Nova into a hug.

Shit, Oliver turns his head and glares at me.

Oliver points at me giving me the 'we need to talk' look.

I get up from my seat walking past Nova, then following behind Oliver to the kitchen.

When we reach the kitchen Oliver turns around and punches me straight to my nose making it bleed.

"Fuck" I groan, "I deserved that"

"When the fuck did you guys meet?" Oliver growls at me.

"At her college" I simply say.

"At her fucking college, what the fuck man what the hell are you doing at a fucking college, NOVA'S COLLEGE!?"

"I had to do some "business" it's none of your concern"

"None of my concern? You were at my only sister's college, MY younger sister's college"

"Ok ok I get that man, someone stole some stuff from me and I had to pay him a visit at Nova's college" I wipe my nose still feeling more blood dripping down.

I turn around hearing footsteps coming towards us, Nova appears from the doorway of the kitchen.

She stares at my face with concern and rushes towards me checking if I'm anywhere hurt.

"¿Qué diablos Oliver, por qué hiciste eso?" She screams in Spanish. ["what the hell Oliver, why did you do that for?"]

She grabs a napkin from the side of us that was on the counter and presses it to my nose.

I wince from how hard she's pressing it, she mutters a small 'sorry'.

"es un idiota, se lo merece" Oliver shouts back in Spanish. [he's a dick, he deserves it]

"Sí, pero no es agradable golpear a la gente idiota." Nova said. ["yeah but it's not nice punching people idiot"]

"Where's your bathroom I need to clean this mess that my stupid brother did" Nova turns to me pointing to my face.

I nod telling her the directions while being pulled by her upstairs to my room into the bathroom.

"Sit" she orders me pointing to the lid closed toilet, I obey her and sat down.

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