Lost and Found

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˝Things are going just the way we wanted, right sis? ˝ said the black haired boy while looking at his sister who was currently eyeing the TV but not actually watching it, judging by the way she was swiftly changing the channels.

˝Yeah. Thank god this people are not a smart bunch. ˝ the girl answered him.

˝And thank God we heard Kai talking with that skittle haired boy when they were researching that first death. ˝ the boy grinned. ˝He didn't even know that it was a feeling you get when your mate is near you. How stupid can you actually be ? ˝ he laughed at that memory.

The twins found this information as a miracle. What are the odds though? They were listening to Kai trying to explain the feeling he got to his companion, when they were standing there and looking at the dead human. But the rainbow haired boy told him that he probably needed some sleep. The twins knew what Kai felt even though he wasn't aware of it himself at that time. And they knew who the only Omega, the only wolf in the are is so it didn't take long for them to learn who Kai's mate is.

Taemin viciously chuckled at the thought and his sister moved her gaze from the TV to her brother.

˝Why are you laughing like that? ˝she asked

˝It was faith, destiny, call it as you want, to have Kris's brother as Kai's mate you know? ˝he told her moving his gaze to the ceiling.

˝ Killing Kai is fine, and it's what we wanted but to see him suffer in the process. ˝he continued his voice coated with venom ˝ This an opportunity we can't pass. ˝

They wanted him to suffer. Because of what his family did to their lives.

They remembered it clearly as if was happening right now. Their father was the pack leader , he was the Alpha and their mother was his right hand as much as Kai's father, a Beta and his friend, was.

Kai's father was never okay with the killings and the stealing, he wanted to find a peaceful place for the pack to settle so they can finally lead a normal life. But the twins's mother was a bloodthirsty woman. Every progress Kai's father had with the Alpha she erased with just a few of her words.

But Kai's father always stayed, no matter what the leader decided. He couldn't leave his friend no matter what. Or at least that's what he always said.

They were traveling a few days and were getting near a town that they heard had a really large pack, actually two packs and two Alphas living together and sharing the place. They were a family with not that much difference between the ranks in the pack. Kai's father was fascinated with that and he asked the Alpha for permission to go and talk to them, to ask them if they could stay for awhile.

Alpha gave him the permission and Kai's father went to meet them. When he returned to the camp he told them all about the two Alphas. How one of them has two little boys, one was about the twins's age and the other was just a baby, a little less than a year younger than Kai, his son.

He said that they gave them the permission to stay for as long as they liked. But the twins mother was not happy with that. When Kai's father finished the report and left she confronted the Alpha and told him they don't need anyone's permission to stay where they wanted to stay, that they should not beg anyone, that it was not their way. And after few of here carefully picked words he gave in. He decided to attack the pack at night when they were asleep.

The only thing their father asked their mother was not to tell Kai's father anything about the plan.

That was the night when everything changed. Kai's father was ready to go to sleep after he finished some work he had left for the evening , it was past midnight already when he heard the commotion in the camp. He knew what was going on, he knew that the Alpha listened to his mate once again, so he woke up his wife and they took their son to one of their friends who shared their ideas and told them to run with the boy, that they would contact them as soon as they can, and then they went to the settlement to warn the Alpha's.

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