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His mind was a whirlwind of one name, and one  name only, for the past few days.


Kris pulled at his hair , looking at the floor. His eyes were red, they didn't even change to their normal color anymore. He was angry, angry at his stupidity , but mostly , he was broken.

He lost everything in his life, his mother and father, his brother and the pack , the security of a home when he was so little. And now he lost Tao.

When Tao came into his life  , for the first time in a long time,  he felt  he had a future, that he had a home. And now, because of his own foolish revenge he lost even the person that mattered to him the most.
He was sitting in his office ,the curtains pulled over the windows because he couldn't bare to look at the sunlight. He hasn't been home in days. If he could even call that mansion a home right now.

The morning when Tao was supposed to come back with the twins and Kai, Yixing informed him that they didn't return and his heart broke. He felt the anger and rage boil his blood. He immediately started a search party and he went looking with everyone else. They didn't find him.

He went to their bedroom that night to be alone. And he screamed and he punched the wall but nothing  helped. He fell to his knees and cried. There was no use of sleeping, not when he knew that the other side of the bed will be cold and there wouldn't be anyone to wish him good morning when he wakes up.

They were searching everyday, he was searching too but they couldn't find the damned twins. It was not surprising. This was not a small town and the humans covered every area and since there weren´t that many wolves it was easy for the twins to cover their scent. They had to search the town street by street and , as Yixing has told him, it could take up to one more week to search everything.

But he couldn't stop hoping. He knew that the twins are twisted and that they wouldn't want to kill Kai immediately. They would probably take their time playing with him. He just hoped they don't do anything to his mate. He couldn't even care about Kai anymore. Only thing he wanted is to find the twins, to rip their heads. But most importantly to hold Tao in his arms again.

"Zitao." his sigh was pained as he looked up at the ceiling and he tried to keep the tears inside. He couldn´t be weak, not right now.

He stared at the expensive and beautiful patterns on the ceiling of his office for god knows how long. He was staring but he wasn´t really looking at them. All that was in front of his eyes was Tao´s face. He didn´t even notice when the tears spilled over his cheeks.

There was a knock on the door that brought him back to reality. He sat up straighter and wiped away the wetness from his face.

˝Come in. ˝ his voice was firm, falsely calm, but still firm and authoritative.

The doors slowly opened and he was surprised a little bit that he felt a scent of an Omega filling the room. It was the scent from the youngest member from his pack. It was Luhan.

˝Oh God . ˝ Kris thought ˝I´ve hurt that boy so many time for no real reason in the past few months.˝

˝Leader. ˝ the soft voice behind him said. Kris couldn´t bring himself to turn around and look at the other wolf. He felt regret for so many of his actions since the moment he met the twins. He wondered why didn´t his pack abandone him already. He wasn´t even deserving to be called a leader. He despised himself for the things he has done.

˝We.. ˝ the wolf stuttered a little, probably because Kris wasn´t reacting in any way ˝I have something important to report to you.˝ he continued his voice a little stronger now  ˝We´ve sensed a pack approaching the company.˝

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