We Are One

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Kyungsoo didn't know why he said it at that moment but he felt it was a right thing to say. What he felt when Jongin kissed him he has never felt in his entire life. This wolf, his mate, made him feel like he was alive for the first time. It was something he couldn't describe with words. He felt that even the " I love you " he said to Kai is not enough to show the way he was feeling when the boy touched him.

"What did you say ? " he heard Kai ask and saw the grin on the other males face. He could feel  his cheeks getting hotter under that intense gaze.

"I love you." he repeated, now with an even stronger voice. 

He knew this was the truth. He didn't understand how could he love someone when he just met him but he knew there was no lies in his words.

The next thing he did also felt right to him. His body was flushed with a heat that was even greater than the one when he only felt the scent of the other. Now he had the real person before him and he couldn't deny he was  happy. 

He took a handful of Kai's  shirt in his hand, pulled him down faintly hearing the other boy gasp in surprise as he did so. And he kissed him. He didn't wait for permission when his tongue slid into the others mouth. And he didn't need one because they were two souls that belonged together and he wanted to be connected with his mate in every way possible. With every cell of his body. And he could feel that Kai wanted the same.

He could feel the weight of Kai's body on his own, but it wasn't anything uncomfortable, he welcomed that weight, it felt as natural as breathing. 

His body shivered when he felt Kai's hands under his shirt. They were big and a little calloused but he liked it. Kai gave his neck a small bite and he moaned. He could feel Kai shiver when he did so and he wasn't embarrassed anymore. He didn't want to hide his moans. He wanted to let Kai know how he feels. How he makes him feel. 

In the next moment he felt Kai pulling away and he wanted to whimper at the loss of the others presence but the next moment Kai pulled him on his lap and Kyungsoo gasped. He could feel how the other was already hard and he wasn't any different. Kai pulled him as close as he could and then he did a little hip trust that made Kyungsoo a moaning mess. He kissed him greedily and he felt an unfamiliar feeling if wetness forming between his thighs. His boxers were already soaked with it. Kai pulled the shirt over Kyungsoo's head and Kyungsoo felt self conscious for a moment. He was bruised all over and he was afraid Kai would be disgusted so he looked away his cheeks pink and his hands trying to cover up as much as it was possible.

"No. " he heard Kai said with a firm but gentle voice and he felt two warm hands on his own ones.

"You are beautiful. "  he heard Kai say and he looked at him. When he saw the look in the other males eyes all the shyness and embarrassment and insecurity was gone. He saw by that one look that Kai really means it. So he placed his own hands on Kai's shirt and pulled it over his head. He saw beautiful tanned skin. He saw the muscles flexing a little when he placed his small hands on Kai's chest and moved them down tracing the lines of Kai's body. Kai was shivering under his touches. It made him feel alive. He touched the light hairs that were just above the waistband of Kai's jeans and it made the latter throwback his head with a groan. Kyungsoo never stopped looking at the other boys face. He loved the way his mate's face was flushed and how it was easy to read how much he was enjoying this. Kai's face was a reflection of his own feelings.

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