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Kyungsoo felt only cold. There was darkness all around him, darkness and silence. He wanted to move but he couldn't move his limbs , he couldn't open his mouth. He didn't know what was going on and this hopelessness made him want to scream.
"Hi" there was a sudden breach of sound to his ears. Someone was talking but he couldn't figure out who was it.

"Hi babe. " another voice answered .

"That's Chanyeol." Kyungsoo recognized the voice because the sounds around him were getting pretty clear now. "Chanyeol!! " his mind screamed although he knew there was no point since his mouth weren't making any sound.

"Did they find anything? " a soft voice said and Kyungsoo recognized it as Baek.

"Who are they looking for? Why is it so dark in here and why can't I move? " his mind was working on overdrive. "Where the hell am I? "

"No.. " Chanyeol sighed and he sounded really tired but something else could be heard in his voice.To Kyungsoo his voice sounded sad, almost dead. Kyungsoo heard a sob , and it was Baekhyun. There was a rustle in the room.

"Don't worry babe. We will find him. " Chanyeol's voice was closer to his ear now, like he was standing an arm stretch away from Kyungsoo.

"I just... " Kyungsoo heard Baekhyun's hoarse voice, " I just do 't understand why are they doing this? Why did they take him? "
"I wish I knew. " Chanyeol said . " But whatever their reason is when we find the people who did this I swear I'll kill them. "
His voice wasn't even angry ,Kyungsoo noticed, when he said that last statement. It was cold , like what he said was a fact and not only a threat.

"But ,what about Kyungsoo? " Kyungsoo heard Baek's whisper and it peaked his interest. " How will we tell him? I mean I still have hope but it's been almost a week. What if we don't find him? What if he is already... "

"No! " Chanyeols voice was firm and loud, and if Kyungsoo wasn't in his current state he would have flinched.

"He is not dead! Kai... " Chanyeol's voice broke a little but not as much as Kyungsoo's heart. It shattered into pieces at that one sentence. His mind went blank.

" Kai can't be dead... " Chanyeol whispered.

Two two mates fell into silence after that but Kyungsoo didn't care if they were talking anymore or not.

"Kai... " his mind was remembering now. "They pushed us from the road.... Kai... Oh God !!! Kai saved me and now he is gone! "

Kyungsoo would have cried, he would have turned the world upside down at that moment. He felt like he was being stabbed, his chest felt heavy and he was losing breath. He felt his skin getting hotter. It was the first sensation he felt ever since he started being aware of the darkness around him.

"They took him... " Kyungsoo was angry "
They took him from me. He... He saved me and they took him from me. " he could feel his blood boil.

Kyungsoo tried with every single ounce of his strength to move something. He needed to get out of this state he was in. He started remembering that night. They were about to go watch a movie, he remembered Kai kissing him like there was no tomorrow, he remembered how light and passionate, at the same time, were Kai's touches on his skin and he pushed his mind to wake up.

"I need to get up... " he thought frantically " I need to wake up. I need to find him. I can't .. I can't leave him. I wont leave him. He is my person and no one can take him away from me. " he forced himself to move his hands and he could feel the sensation returning to his fingers, a slight tingle.

" I need to find that man....˝He remembered the blonde with the cat eyes, now he was starting to feel his feet and his eyes were opening slightly " And when I find him.... I will kill him. "

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