Glossary and Characters

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Itaone - a small dwelling where Solí lives. Their family name is Tangaroa which means god of the water. Their dwelling is on the river Iwanui.

Iwanui - the large river that borders the two countries of Väria and Sylvania.

Kangata - the word the Värian people use for the beastmen.

Kohatu Tapu - the holy stone of the Värian people. One of seven leylines of the world of Ciridia. This leyline is where the magical powers of the Värian people originate.

Makutu - the Värian word for magic.

Mana - the Värian word for soul or spirit. It is the magical force that allows the Makutu to work.

Ngaherahe - the Beastmen's Tainted Forest. This is the name the Värian people call Sylvania.

Nohonga - another word for long house, the dwellings the bear tribe's people live in.

Panui - A large city where Solí's betrothed, Tokah Mahuta, lives. Their family name is Mahuta (God of the Forest) and this city is deep in the heart of the forest.

Spot - a span of time equivalent to about an hour, measured by the distance the sun travels in the sky from one spot to another.

teneti - another word for tent or teepee.

Wairere - the holy waterfall outside of the Kohatu Stone.

Main Characters

Solí - the main character of Soulmates Across Borders. She is a 20-year-old Värian princess of the wolf tribe.

Pango - Solí's male bonded wolf. They can communicate telepathically due to the soul-bond Makutu.

Aer'ehk - Solí's soulmate. He is a beastman (kangata) of the wolf clan with a wolf tail and wolf ears.

Secondary Characters

Anahera - twin girl. She wears her hair in two braids.

Arohana - twin girl. She wears her hair in a single braid. The twins are soulmates.

Awai - the mother to the twin girls.

Hakah - Solí's father. He is the king of the wolf tribe. His bonded she-wolf is Wuruhina.

Kuao - Solí's 16-year-old brother. His bonded she-wolf is Nihorei.

Manaia - the bear tribe's wise woman.

Miraka - Solí's 18-year-old sister. Her bonded she-wolf is Matihah.

Tokah - Solí's betrothed fiancé. He is the prince of the bear tribe. His bonded male bear is Taikaha.

Waiata - 50-year-old wise woman of the wolf tribe.

Wuruhina - the female bonded wolf of Hakah (the wolf king).


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