Chapter 23

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The wolf king and the bear king looked up when Waiata and Solí entered the high nohonga.

"Father. Good bear king." She bowed low. "I need to tell you both something."

The two kings set their eyes on her and raised their eyebrows expectedly.

"Tokah and I found a field full of lilacs at the beaver tribe's village on the lake."

"Is that where my son is?" the bear king asked.

Solí nodded. "The beaver king is old, and he offered the lilacs to us. But his people knew that he was giving away a great gift, and they told us that we needed to ask the beaver prince if we could take the lilacs. When I left this morning, the plan was for Tokah to negotiate with the beaver prince while I went back to my village to see if the sacred adornments could be recovered."

"I see." The bear king motioned to a shadowman. "Take a few warriors with you and go to the beaver village. I'd like Tokah to return as soon as he can, and if negotiations are going to take a while, then come back and let me know."

The shadowman inclined his head in a grand gesture of honor and then left.

"There's something else," Solí went on. "When I was in Itaone, I found a field of lilacs. There's so many, father!" She put her hands out in a gesture to try and indicate just how vast the field of lilacs was. "We may be able to collect enough for all our people to journey to the Kohatu stone. Then we could keep the entire tribe together in Patapu and ask the high king what he wants us all to do."

"That is a wonderful idea," her father said with a wide smile. "I'd like to see this field for myself."

"Can Kuao and Miraka come too?" Solí asked. She put her hands together in front of her chest in a pleading gesture. She desperately wanted to be able to spend this day with her family before everything changed.

"I have already asked Miraka to help prepare the sacred adornments for the funeral."

"Can't you get someone else to do it?" She felt her lips pout, so she pressed her lips together.

"Perhaps you should join her, while I take Kuao and the summoners to harvest the lilacs."

"Gathering flowers is hardly a task for summoners, father." She bit her lip at the bear king's look of shock. "I mean, usually we keep tasks such as these for those who haven't learned to unlock their sacred circles yet."

"That is true, but with the recent attack, it makes more sense to bring summoners with their wolves." Her father crossed his arms, and she felt he was getting tired of her questioning him.

So she nodded her head and tried not to show her disappointment on her face.

"You're disappointed," her father said, and she realized he was offering a chance for her to explain her feelings.

"It's just that it's my birthmoon tomorrow, and I wanted to spend today with my family." She hoped the explanation made sense.

Her father hesitated, which meant he was considering it.

"Miraka and Kuao both have wolves, just like me. If beastmen attack, we won't be helpless."

"That's true. Waiata," her father said, turning to look at the wise woman. "What do you think?"

Waiata glanced at Solí and then said, "I think this is a miraculous find, and we ought to let Solí celebrate with her family a little before she is married and will no longer see her family every day."

Solí smiled at Waiata.

"Then I have decided. Solí, you and your sister may join the summoners in Itaone to help us harvest the lilac."

"Thank you, father."

"Waiata, will you finish preparing the sacred adornments for the funerals?" Solí's father turned to the wise woman.

"Of course," the wise woman said as she bowed.

Solí's father turned to the wolf tribe's shadowman, who always stayed by his side. "Spread the word and call the summoners. We're going to Itaone."

A moment later, Miraka came in with her she-wolf Matihah. She ran up to hug her sister; the tears already threatened to flow. Miraka always reminded Solí of their mother, the late wolf queen. She had the same blonde hair as their mother. The same fair skin with freckles that peppered her nose. According to Miraka, Solí looked very similar, too.

Solí swallowed the ache in her throat and said, "Just wait until you see the lilacs, Miraka! It's amazing!"

"I can't wait to see."

Kuao came into the high nohonga with his she-wolf Nihorei, his blade sheathed to his belt and a bow slung over his shoulder with a quiver on his back. In his other hand, he had more of these weapons. "Are you sure it's safe there?" he asked. "We were attacked just two days ago."

Solí hesitated. Pango? Do you think we'll be alright?

Every summoner is coming. We'll be fine.

So Solí nodded and said, "It's safe. There weren't any beastmen when I was there this morning."

"You shouldn't have gone there by yourself," he said in a protective-brother sort of way. Which was typical of her younger brother. He would be the wolf king when their father passed on, so he took the safety of the wolf tribe's people very seriously. He also looked so much like their father, with his thick brown hair which they both wore in a braid. He had the same strong forehead and chiseled chin. The same thin lips and light complexion.

Sure, it was risky to return to their destroyed village when it had been attacked only two days ago. But Solí was their older sister. She would keep them both safe. The thought made her chest cave in. Soon enough, she would need to run away, and she'd never be able to see them again.

Best to enjoy their final day together while it lasted.~*~

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