Chapter 33

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She sensed that she had very little time until Aer'ehk's portal sorcery would bring him straight to her. Looking through the blanket in the doorway, she saw that the sun had risen already. The pink sky slowly brightened with the sun's early morning rays.

How long would it take him to find a beastman who could port him to her?

Solí? Did you dream of him?

I did. He's coming! Powerful sorcery can bring him straight to us! We need to be ready.

Pango stood up and came to her side. Can you explain to me what is happening?

So she tried her best to recount the dream in her head from beginning to end with every detail of their conversation.

Slow down. You're going too fast.

Sorry. She started over and slowly recounted every line of dialogue as best as she could. To Pango's credit, he didn't interrupt until she had completely retold the dream sequence.

So he professed his love to you, and you accepted.

I told him I accepted so he wouldn't get himself killed and kill me in the process.

But he's going to come to you. So now what?

I don't know. But I want to be ready.

Ready yourself then. Prepare yourself in case he attacks you and tries to carry you off. Prepare yourself in case he comes in peace and you need to defend him against the bear tribe's men. You need to decide if you will go with him or stay.

I can't decide, Pango! I'm paralyzed with indecision!

I'll help you decide. In your dream he said he loves you. You told him you love him back. Is that true?

I don't know. Maybe. He's so intoxicating to be around. He has part of my soul inside him. It makes it impossible for me to decide for myself how I feel about him.

But maybe he is making you feel in your heart what's right.

Do you really think that, Pango? He's a beastman. My father and brother died because of what he did.

I believe now that it wasn't intentional. It was a horrible mistake.

But can I forgive him for that? I can't reject my duty to my people. I want to find myself a good match with the coyote clan.

But what if you can't? That's a risky choice. What if the bear tribe holds a grudge against our people? It might be better if everyone thinks you got stolen by a beastman. Then the bear king and the bear prince couldn't blame you for it. And it would allow your people to just follow in Miraka's footsteps when she marries the fox prince.

Ugh, I don't know what to do!

Calm down. You need to breathe calmly and awaken your mana. Otherwise you won't be prepared to do anything but get caught, regardless of what you decide.

So she sat on the bed furs and crossed her legs. Though it proved nearly impossible, she managed to clear her mind and breathe slowly, and the calming breaths awakened her spirit. Her mana activated at her first sacred circle of the mist, and she sighed.

Well done, Pango said. Now, keep calm, but let's continue our discussion.

First I'm going to prepare my blade. She held up her hand and pressed her moonstone bracelet to the blade at her bedside. Then she willed her mana to snake up her spine to the third sacred circle of gravity. "Taumaha."

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