chapter 11:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Usagi driving michiru riding along with her. Drove to the art museum trent following. They arrived.

Trent: i hear that somewhere before. Michiru there's lots of things you can outside of being a sailor guardian. Violinist is maybe your goal now

Michiru: what about you?

Trent: i already reached my goal. That was way way before. I fought wars defeated villains that plotted to destroy the planet or rule the world. Not the villains her & i fought against. This is before you so fyi

Michiru: & here you are fighting a unseen enemy you can curbstomp them. Teached your lovely girlfriend to fight better & shoot with guns

Usagi: 物事が南下する場合

Trent: & gave her the viper teached her driving. She's like the japanese version of batman

Fan of michiru came to her asking about the picture she painted. " so she paints too huh " he thought he looked at his long time girlfriend & smiled.


Haruka picked her up. Haruka couldn't keep her eyes away from his charger parked next to  usagi's henessey viper venom custom.

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Trent: haruka you can't seem to take your eyes off my car huh

Haruka: its your fault you made your car look sexy. Its the first time i see a dodge viper being customed by henessey company in Texas

They heard a awful violin playing.

Trent felt so embarrassed.

Trent: you got to be kidding me 😓

Haruka: good at driving but at playing violin

To be continued:


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