chapter 15:

16 1 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Trent talking to will about molly. They been dating since he came. He's worried about why she's avoiding him, meanwhile molly talks to usagi. After that molly runs up to will they kissed each other.

Later on rei riggs usagi & trent talking to each other. Trent sweatdropped seeing riggs fell asleep.

Rei: sorry trent san. Riggs kun fell asleep it gets boring especially this new threat is boring the hell of them

Trent: so .....

Rei: nothing much i can suggest. Those two are never gonna break up just like us

Trent: affection contest closed

Usagi: how you know that?

Trent: dial up internet -_-

Riggs sleeping: will & molly knew that too. Dial up internet (snoring)

Rei: おせっかいリグスくん😑

Usagi: they don't need it so


Daimon seed just showed up but got shot up by a sniper bullet. Wilson lowered his sniper rifle with a suppressor woman with red hair looking everywhere to see who destroyed it.

She got angry & left. 

Wilson: nice try

Annoying fillers.


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