chapter 41:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

At rei's shrine. Mamoru tells trent usagi & others about 4 outer senshi backstory.

Trent: no wonder

Rei: that explains alot how they treated us

Mamoru: you're not suprise at all

Usagi: he's never surprised 😑

Trent: because they the ones told me

Riggs: they it all together

Ami: they never need our help

Wilson: there not honest. I find it very suspicious

Lex: same here

Makoto: what makes you say that lex kun?

Lex: there not telling us anything about their mission. Hotaru is helping us

Trent: they think they have more power. There being so pridful. I can level a city & country same goes for my old team

He crunched a soda till he turned it into a pebble

Nick: so former black ops ace. What you gonna do about it?

Lex: i'll looked up hotaru's dad

Luna: why him?

Lex: idk. Usagi got my number?

Usagi: yeah why?

Lex: soon as i gather enough intel. Send the message. Its time for me to go back to my old ways don't worry mako i'm always there on time before bedtime & dinner

He kissed her

Makoto: oh i know. Taking your car you fast enough on foot

Lex: later everyone

He left

Rei: black ops are just very frightening. How can you handle this guy mako san?

Makoto: 30% he doesn't want to tell me. I'm used to it. Because we as girls we tend to well... huh forgot

Usagi: were too curiosity kill the cat -_-

Mamoru: in the mean time we can't always trust the outer senshi. We can trust saturn since she isn't like the others

Trent: speaking of witch

Hotaru: ohayo everyone

Rei: HOLY- how long you been here?

Hotaru: since trent & usagi are the last ones to arrive. Her driving a custom viper

Usagi: love my car. Quit being salt

Hotaru: just admiring it (kiss ass)

Mamoru: i need to train to protect you & usagi

Trent: Don't restrain yourself

To be continued:


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