take the fucking poster down, man

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Azure Sabbath, that's my name, i changed it from Georgina dil. I wasn't aware of black sabbath, i just knew it was a type of meeting held by witches. got a shocker when Nikki told me. We're  in a band called london, i was the only girl, as well as a guitarist.

i love bands like iron madien, motorhead, led zepplin, David bowie and ABBA, that one is a bit out there but you gotta love ABBA.

my childhood was rough enough. mom was a drunk,never seeing her without a drink in her hand. she'd hit me a few times, and immediately play the 'im the victim, you're not' card on me. my dad was very abusive, mentually, verbully and sexual. my mom would not have sex with him so he made me do it.

but when i was 13 i ran away from home, bought a plane ticket, with my dads money and got a ticket to californa from frankfurt, germany. my grandmom lived there so i flew out to her. i never got any news on what happened to them, i dont know if nothing happened so someone didnt call or someone did call and my grandmom kept it from me.

I'm now 26. and im currently sitting in a diner with Nikki sixx after one of our band mates attacked him. "this is a sign, azure" he said as he held a tissue against his nose. "what fucking sign, Nikki? a sign that your nose is broken" i stared blank face at him. "no az, a sign for us to leave the band, dumbass." i roll my eyes, hes been going on about it for a while now, i wanna leave 100% but he always starts it and can never finish it, much like his sex life.

i look up to see a lanky fucker in leopard pants and drumsticks in his belt. "hey, that was badass, dude. the show, not the nose but.... The nose was pretty badass too." jesus this kid. "the singers an asshole" Nikki said, i hummed an agreement taking a sip of the milkshake i had in front of me.

"i got your poster on my bedroom wall" me and Nikki slowly look up at each other then look at him. "I can't believe I just said that" he sounded embarrassed. "take the fucking poster down, man" making the first thing i said to him, pretty rude. "londons over" Nikki says looking back down to the booklet in front of him.

"Anything else I can get you, boys?" Dottie comes over. "could get me a jack and coke, and a vodka and coke for my friend." Nikki says for me. "and for you hun?"she asks him.

"blueberry pancakes, please" The boy says as he sat next to me. "our new band is gonna be something nobodys ever fucking seen before." i smirk as he looks down and circles an ad in the booklet. the dude grabs out a drumstick, wrils it around and points it at an ad. "that dude looks pretty cool." i saw Nikki's idea of a face light up. "do you carry those with you everywhere?"

"Yeah" he says as he twirls a stick around in his fingers. "Where you learn to do that" Nikki was impressed, while me, only partially. "high school marching band. hey, but i rock too."

Dottie comes back over with my vodka coke and Nikkis jack and coke. "thank you dottie." we both say. "only for you too." she walked away and Nikki opened the tiny jacks bottle and poured it all in his mouth. "whoa!" the guy was impressed, he then spun the drumstick around his fingers again and Nikki stared closely at them before looking at  me and smirking.


as Nikki stood with his bass, tommy on the drums and me on the guitar, Nikki felt it was best to have 2 guitarists. we were trying to play 'live wire' and this little hippy kept on getting it wrong. Nikki stopped everything because of this. "what the fuck dude? that is not what she showed you, man." Nikki told the man after i ran him thru the chords and speed. "i know, but it's not like anything i've ever played before, man" the guy said which kind of triggered Nikki.

"thats the fucking point, man" dissapointed. "Let's take a break" i suggested. "tommy, azure, outside" i nod and light a cigarette and walk outside. "I'm just not feeling it, man. i cant put my-"

"well hes a rythm guy, man. we'll sound better when we find a lead." tommy says as he cut Nikki off. "I don't want him, hes ugly, i want someone hotter." I say, staring straight ahead, taking buffs of my cigarette.  a car roughly pulls up in front of Nikki's house. "holy shit" Nikki says almost laughing.

the guy gets out of the car and looks up. "Now, him, i want" i point at him with the cigarette. "keep it in your pants, az" Nikki says. i glare at him. i look back over to see him struggling to get his amp out of the car. "tommy, go help" i push in the direction of the stairs. i end up going down the stairs too to grab anything else. "Well I'm Tommy, that's Azure." Tommy introduces us to him as i walk behind them. "mick mars." quite a name.

"I'm the drummer, shes the other guitarist." he turns his head to look at me and nods. "scrawny for a drummer" i just hum in agreement. "i used to be in suite 19, so..." Tommy was defending himself. "shitty band." god they are moving slow. i just tuned out their convo when they started talking about shitty band names.

"okay so you think you got it?" I asked after i showed him what to do. "lets just fucking play it." we start playing the riff together and holy, hes good. I started smiling real hard. the fucking Hippe was still doing the same thing as eariler. Mick then starts with a loud complex solo.

"whoa! whoa! hold up! hey you mind turning down a little bit, old timer? I can't hear myself think." Mick turns and slowly walks up to me. "fucking hippie, cant gonna make it." i look over at Nikki and he says "so tell him." Mick sighs before turning around to the hippie. "listen to me. There is only room for 2 guitar players and that's not you. so why don't you.. pack up your toys and go home."

the hippie looks like hes been playing a joke on looking at each of us. "okay i was here first, all right? tommy tell him." he looks at tommy who drops his drumstick to avoid the hippes gaze. "azure?" he looks over and im pretending that im trying to light my smoke, which i actually am. "Nikki? come on! really? you're gonna listen to this old dude over me?" i take a puff of my cigarette. "but hes hot and you're... you" i finally decided to speak.

"fuck you guys, man! and your shitty band!" the Hippie runs out the door and you can hear him cry. " so how old are you, Mick?" Tommy askes him. "fuck you, you fucking teenager." he just stares blankly at the wall. "what'd i say?" I roll my eyes at him and take another buff of my cigarette.

"yeah, you're goddamn right I'm old. old enough to know better then to waste my time fucking around with a bunch of rug-monkeys." thats such an odd insult. Nikki hands me a beer and i thank him. "I'm paying child support, and sleeping on park benches, so i need to know you're not pulling dick here. cause im looking to go the distance. and if that's not you guys, let's not waste my fucking time." i slowly clap as that's alot to say to 3 strangers.

" i fucking love this weird little guy." Nikki says and he gives Tommy a high five. "Hes real, dude" tommy goes up for a high five to Mick but he just stares at him. "sorry" Tommy sat back down.

"so... Does anyone mind telling me who does the singing in this band?" he slowly looks at me. "nope." I responded, shutting that idea down. "what we need is a dude that looks like david lee roth with a vibe like fucking bowie" i gasp, i love Bowie. "and I'm not settling for some regular looking, normal sounding asshole." Nikki makes his point very clear. 

" so.. we're looking for a blonde fucker with moves." Everyone's hair in the band was dark so we needed that pop of colour with the hair. "wait, i think i know our guy, dudes"

the night we met - Mick marsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz