did you pee?

391 6 0

NOVEMBER 5th 84'

it was a break day from the tour, we just hung out for the time being. i was laying on the couch in my hotel room, having a cigarette, with my legs resting on Mick's lap. we are finally dating, took us long enough you know.

Tommy was face down on the floor, Nikki was sticking his head in the fridge, looking for food. Vince was out on the patio watching the people walk by.

"guys, i'm bored" Tommy says not moving his face off the cold floor in the hot hotel room. "what do you wanna do then?" Nikki says after he successfully got a bar of chocolate and took a bite.

"i have a tattoo appointment at" i glance at the clock. "3, so you guys can come with." it was only 2 o'clock right now so we had more time to spare.

"oh, what you thinking of getting?" Mick asked. "a tramp stamp." i say casually as i stare at the ceiling and take a drag of my smoke.

"that's hot" everyone except Mick says, at the same time. "and the design?" Nikki says sitting on the floor in front of the couch at my face, Tommy sitting next to him.

"i don't know yet, you guys should pick one." i suggest. "oh! i know, how about 'i'm with the band'. Yeah?" Tommy suggest as he practically jumps at the idea of choosing my tattoo.

"tommy, she's apart of the band." Nikki says shaking his head. "i like it" Mick says, making us all turn to him slowly. "are you okay?" i reach my hand out and place it against his forehead to check his temperature. "fuck off" he says and laughs as he swats my hand away.

"do you wanna leave now, so you can get some sugar into you?" Tommy says. this is not my first tattoo so i know i need sugar. "yeah okay." i get up and go to the balcony. "hey Vince, the boys are coming with me to go get a tattoo, wanna come with?" he looks shocked i even asked.

"of course i do!"


as we walked to the car waiting for us. "i might actually get a piercing as well, know i think about it. septum piercing, maybe? what about it Mick?" he just shrugged his shoulders, i've got quite a lot of piercings already.

i've got a few on my ears, both my nostrils done, my nipples, although Mick doesn't know about them, because whenever we have sex i keep my shirt on, too self conscious.

the car took us all the tattoo parlour and i walked in and said i was here for the appointment, but it wasn't quite a busy day so i didn't really need it.

it was so not busy that everyone decided, last minute, that they wanted tattoos too.
i laid on the tattoo table and slowly fell asleep, tommy ran to the store and got gummy's for me to eat while i wait.

after the tattoo, i sat up to get my septum done, didn't hurt that bad, maybe a 4/10. i walked out of the small room and saw everyone already done with their tattoos.

Tommy got two stars on his hands, one each side. Vince got a tattoo of a kiss mark on his arm. Nikki got a rose also on his arm, and Mick didn't get one, not sure why.

we paid for everything and left, going back to the hotel. Tommy remembered he had a groupie waiting for him in his room so he ran off, to see if she left or not.

Nikki went to his room so shoot up, mostly likely. and Vince didn't wanna be left alone with us, he's scared what we might do.

i open the door to the hotel and fall face forward on the couch. Mick laughs and closes the door.

"i am so tired." i groaned into the pillow. "are you sure?" he asks as he rubs my leg and sits down. "what do you mean am i sure?" i ask as i sit up and face him.

the night we met - Mick marsWhere stories live. Discover now