Season 2 trailer

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**Author Note: **Hey guys, what's up and before you say oooh a new chapter, no that's not what this is. This a trailer for season two. Things are going to be different after that climatice season 1 finale. Now I'm not going to spoil it or nothing, but Izuku is heading to a whole new world. A world he didn't think could exist.

New characters will be introduced. New enemies. New threats. New weapons. New everything.

Also my story has symbolism in them, and what I mean by that is this story is about Legacy. The Legacy of the old Avengers and how that is going shape the new one's coming. Yes I have them all down.


Melissa/**Black Widow** (season two her questions will be answered.)

Mei/**Iron Blossom** (name may change, but her story will be begin soon.)

Owen Rogers/**Captain America **(OC story will be revealed in season 2)

Torunn/ **Thor** (daughter of thor odinson the original thor, will be revealed soon.) Hammer will be the Stormbreaker (ultimate thor's hammer)

Jennifer Banner/**Hulk** (OC color green, daughter of hulk and red-she hulk. Will be revealed soon.)

Azari T'Challa/**Black Panther** (story is not yet set, but by season three it will be.)

Amada Fury is one of those new characters and she is a OC. Yes you can say I got the idea to combine Waller and Fury, but I wanted to do more. I want her to have her own identity and she will. She will be like Fury from the comics. Strict, secretive, mysterious, and eyes everywhere. And on low she will be like Batman. I can't say how, but you just got read to find out. Also Coulson and Hill are OC's as well. The name is the same as the comics and they are related to those characters, but I given their names and identities.

Now Season 2 will be divided as of right now into four arcs. Arc 1 will be a AU arc called **Initiation** roughly two maybe three chaps if I can. **Sports Festival** will be arc 2. Arc 3 will be **Stain** in terms of Danny prospective. I repeat Izuku will not be in Stain arc. Now I may change this, but not I'm not sure. Arc 4 will be a AU arc called **Takedown**. Now this could changed, but I will tell you for sure that arc 1 and 2 are for certain.

Oh one more thing, I have been re-reading and been fixing my grammar mistakes and is in the progress of fixing them all. Looking for a beta reader if you know anybody or if you want to sign up here on the website.

Last thing before I leave. If you think that the story is dark with the character deaths and Izuku losing his arm which in honesty I wasn't sure if I was going to do, but hey I loved that reactions from it and I'm going to stick with it. But back the whole dark thing. Yes the story was a bit dark, not dark dark, but yeah I go there in terms of death. I'm not afraid to kill off characters if they need to die for the story to go where I need to take it.

In my opinion and just mine, I feel as though when characters die we need that to happen in order for the Mc to grow. For example look at Shikamaru in Naruto with Ausma death, or Naruto with Jiraiya. Now the story won't be getting dark in season two, there will be some OMG moments, but not dark.

But it's not all happy go lucky neither for Izuku. Remember he found out about the truth about Danny, Barton's dead, and he's lost an arm. So he will be dealing with some stuff and expect that to be addressed in the earlier stages of season two.

Season 2 trailer: Enter Warfare

**Go on Spotify and search Modern Warfare 2 music. Then select the second song called Extraction by Hans Zimmer. You need it for this trailer.**

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