A Helping Hand

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     It was late at night, maybe around 1:41 A.M. the chilly breeze could've made any monster cold. Clay was transcripting a song while the 4 Wublins slept. Wyre had gone on a date with Rare Pompom, and he hadn't given any sign of him coming back soon, so the only person Clay could talk to was himself.
     "Think Zephyr, would it sound better in the key of C or D?" He grumbled quietly, trying to make as little noise as possible. He got irritated and pushed his swivel chair away from his desk, the wheels rolling under him. He sat there for a second, covering his face with his hands.
     I wish I had a helping hand.
     He grabbed his red sweater, slipped it on, and stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. He slightly shivered in the cold, but tried to ignore it. Suddenly, he felt something vibrating in his head. Wyre was calling him. He sighed and picked up.
     "Heyyy." Wyre laughed ambiguously. "I'm [ERROR] gonna be back in like [BUFFER OVERFLOW] two days."
     "I'm assuming the date went well? And why are you gonna be gone for two days?  You know the Wublins are gonna miss you real bad, right?"
     Wyre giggles again, this time a little quieter. "Yeah, I know, but she [FILE NOT FOUND] loooved tonight." Wyre hiccups.     "Uh, I need to be gone because like she wants [ERROR] me to stay, sooo." Wyre hangs up.
     Two days, 48 hours, 2,880 minutes, or 172,800 seconds without help from Wyre. Clay could do stuff on his own, sure, but he did need the help sometimes...
Then an idea struck him. He ran into the lab, slamming open the door, thankfully, not waking anyone up. He sat down and scooched his chair closer to his desk.
He started scribbling something. A little pod shaped creature with countless amounts of arms, feathers adorned it's body. He grabbed the last of the rock.
     "I'm gonna need to get some more. Maybe tomorrow morning." Clay started to carve the shape out with his pocket knife.

     3 hours had passed since he began working, and the figure had been finished. He checked the small clock next to where he would sleep. 4 A.M. Not much sleep, but a couple of hours is better then none. He slid into his bed and drifted off into his deep slumber.

     He woke up to the slight shine of the dim sun and a loud crackle of electricity. He sat up, his thick blue blanket sliding down his chest. He got up to his feet and quietly (or atleast as quiet as a 13ft hunk of metal could be..) walked over to the portal with a bag in his hands.
     He had appeared on Air island, the clouds were hanging low. As Clay looked around for someone, he heard the flapping of metal and gears turning behind him.
     "Hey Clay, it's kinda early. Why are you here? You need something?" Earhart yawned and rubbed his eyes.
     "Yeah, I'm gonna need to borrow a few things, like eggs, rock, food, I'll take whatever you guys have."
     "I don't think we've got anything we have to keep so, uh, go ahead take whatever you need. I'll tell the human later, they shouldn't mind too much..."
     "Alright thanks!" Clay swiftly tipped his head foward. Earhart made a little tired groan and walked back to where he was sleeping.
     Clay started going towards every part of the island, picking up random supplies.

     He returned to Wublin island. Entering the lab, he was greeted by Thwok and Poewk. Thwok tried speaking, but Poewk stopped them and spoke their little bird-like noises for them. Clay took off Poewks mask and cleaned the lenses. Brump ran over and jumped onto Clay.
     "Ok, ok! I'm happy to see you too, kiddos. Why don't we cook some food?" Clay carefully placed Brump down.
He quickly cooked up a little batch of frozen pancakes he had taken from Air island. As he waited for the pancakes to finishing heating, his kids stared in amazement at the icicles slowly dissolving.
     He cooked the food, and served all of the Wublins. He quickly scarfed down a few of the flat cakes and quickly started advancing towards the portal with his bag.
     Once again, he went to the other islands, grabbing eggs from the breeding structures or any other eggs that hadn't been incubated. The bag slowly grew heavy and full when Clay decided to head back and zap the eggs.
     The oven shook a little, but popped out a large chunk of energy. It was rough, and sure moved a lot once Clay grabbed it, but he stuffed it into the figure and awoke the Wublin.

     The first to introduce themselves was Zynth, who showed them the others and warmed them up to try and talk. Their hands would go everywhere while they spoke, seemingly unknowing of what to do with them.
     What instrument would work the best? Clay sat in front of the little Wublin, thinking of ideas. Then, a stroke of genius hit him. Quickly, he tossed together random objects and made a makeshift drumkit. Of course! Multiple arms, it'd be the perfect drummer!
     Clay taught them the basics of drum playing, like how to hold the sticks and timing and all of the other important things. After a couple of days of practice, they got it, and they earned the name Dwumrohl.

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