Chapter 18

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Scene: The Reconciliation 

(Peter emerges from his tent and notices Oreius walking past. Oreius stops and looks behind him. Peter follows his gaze. Aslan and Edmund are on a rock above camp, deep in conversation but nothing can be heard. Lucy, Y/N. and Susan emerge from their tent and notice Peter. They also turn to see what he is looking at.) Lucy: Edmund! (She tries to run towards him. Peter stops her. Edmund turns at the sound of her voice. Aslan finishes his conversation with Edmund and they both come down towards the others.) Aslan: What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund about what is past. (Aslan walks away.) Edmund: Hello. (Lucy, Y/N, hugs him and Susan does too. Edmund looks relieved) Susan: Are you all right? Edmund: I'm a little tired. Peter: Get some sleep. And Edmund... ... try not to wander off. Y/N: get some rest please (Edmund smiles and leaves, later on, the five children are sitting around a low table eating breakfast. Edmund has changed his clothes and is dressed in a tunic like Peter. He munches hungrily on what looks like toast with honey.) Lucy: Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed. Y/n: don't eat to fast or you will choke Peter: I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back. Susan: We're going home? Peter: You are. I promised Mum I'd keep you four safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help. Y/n: wait why only you Lucy: But they need us. All five of us. Peter: Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed! Edmund: Which is why we have to stay.(All look at him) Edmund: I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it.(Lucy holds Ed's hand) Susan: Well, I suppose that's it then. Y/n: let's go (Susan & you get up) Peter: Where are you going? Susan: (picks up her bow and quiver) To get in some practice.(Susan, Y/n and Lucy practice shooting at the target. Susan fires an arrow which hits just off center. Lucy takes out her dagger and grins. The dagger hits the bulls eye! Cut to Peter and Edmund, riding at full gallop. They wheel around and practicing sword fighting) Peter: Come on, Ed! Sword point up, like Oreius showed us. Edmund: Engarde! Peter: Now block. Edmund: Hey! (Mr. Beaver runs up. Edmund's horse rears)Mr. B: Peter! Edmund! Edmund: Whoa, horsey! Horse: My name is Philip. Edmund: Oh. (stammers) Sorry. Mr. B: The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here.

Scene: The Agreement 

Ginarrbrik: Jadis, the Queen of Narnia! Background Voice: Go away, Witch! Ginarrbrik: Empress of the Lone Islands! Background Voice: You don't belong here! Go away!(Jadis arrives at the camp on a litter carried by Cyclops. They set her down and she stands down, and walks towards Aslan. The whole camp including the children are assembled in front of Aslan's tent. Aslan waits on the little rock plateau) White Witch: You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan.(Gasps in the crowd) Aslan: His offense was not against you. White Witch: Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built? Aslan: Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written. White Witch: Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property. Peter (stepping forward and drawing his sword): Try and take him then. (Otmin takes a step forward)White Witch: Do you think that mere force will deny me my right... ... little King? Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, (turns to face the crowd) all of Narnia will be over turned and perish in fire and water. (points at Edmund) That boy will die on the Stone Table... is tradition. You dare not refuse me. Aslan: Enough. I shall talk with you alone.(Cut to the children sitting down on the grass, clearly bored. The Witch throws open the flaps of the tent. Everyone gets up! She walks back towards her seat, pausing to look at Edmund. Aslan walks the edge of the plateau) Aslan: She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood. (Everyone cheers and pats Edmund on the back)White Witch: How will I know your promise will be kept?(Aslan roars. The White Witch sits down suddenly in shock and the camp laughs. She leaves everyone celebrating. Lucy & Y/n notices Aslan standing alone looking very sad before going back into his tent, then some dwarves distracts her.)

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