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— Three years later

    It's late in the evening and the sun is beginning to set on another day on Malakai, the city of silver and gold. Alien life and human life co exist on this planet creating a great harmony. This planet symbolizes the safest place in the universe; the light.
    Centered in the middle of the capital city is the Xioalin monastery. Housing over a hundred thousand warrior mages that bend the reality of the universe to do incredible things. Warriors that have watched and guided the inhabitants of the universe for over 4,000 Years.
    Two of these mystical warriors stood in their robes, side by side. One taller than the other. One younger, one older. One is a sentinel, one is an apprentice. Teacher and student working together to complete duties given to them by their headmaster.
    They stood together in headmaster Vixen's office. Vixen let all four of his eyes look over the scrolls before him. Taking in all of the information, gathering his words before he spoke.
   "Thank you for meeting with me so late. This mission is one of importance." Vixen said.
  Both of the robed figures bowed at the same time. Headmaster Vixen continued,
     "The Xioalin are heading in a great direction. The council has decided to create the 'delegation of planets'." Master Vixen clicked his teeth. "Uniting all planets in the universe, there will be harmony between enemies at last. The first planet we will be testing this out on is Dadoo, the homeworld of plant life. The agricultural core that they have will be beneficial to other worlds without the same resources. You two are to go and talk with the king, the meeting  has already been set, he is expecting Xioalin." 
    "Yes, headmaster," both figures said in unison.
   "Sentinel Yosa. Apprentice Kalock. May your spirits guide your steps." Vixen said, clicking his teeth.

   Both Xioalin made their way to the spaceship port to board a ship to the Colace galaxy. They boarded a regular transport vehicle that seats a hundred people including the pilot.
    Sentinel Yosa Vander, a tall muscular Yogato His skin an orange  and yellowish hue. Antennas hanging down over his sharp piercing eyes, that were now closed as he meditated. Next to him is his apprentice, Kalock Quinn, a human with long blonde hair tied together into a knot. He had green eyes that looked out the view port at the many stars.
   "Master, have you ever been to planet Dadoo?" Kalock asked.
   "No. This planet will be a mystery to me as well." Yosa said.
       "I cant wait to see what this world will be like." Kalock said. Continuing to look out the window at the tinkling balls of light.
   "Remember, little Quinn. This is mission, not visit."
    "Yes, master."

It was dawn on planet Dadoo, homeworld of overgrown plant life.
    As the spaceship soared, it began its approach through the atmosphere of the planet. Soaring past several tall trunks of trees. The planet itself was beautiful to behold. Flowers in full bloom, the planet having its own natural law.     As the ship neared its destination, it swerved an incoming tree trunk swirling around to the space hanger port. When the pilot of the ship finally lowered the landing gear, he and the Xioalin got their first glimpse of the wonderful wooden city of Yukon. The city was immense and seem to be all connected by large wooden bridges and plant vines.
    As the ion engines calmed down, through the viewport the pilot could see a welcoming party coming to the landing pad. A party of just one man, a red-skinned man dressed in formal attire with fur on different parts of his outfit. He stood smiling waiting for the passengers to disembark.
    Going down the landing ramp first was Kalock Quinn, a young Xioalin apprentice. Standing behind him was the eight feet giant, Yosa.
  "Greetings Xioalin! We heard of your arrival and I personally wanted to come and greet you." The formal man shook kalocks hand, then his hand disappeared when he shook Yosa's hand.
   "I am Tutaka, assistant to the king of Dadoo. I will be your escort to the meeting place. If you would follow me the king is waiting for us in his chamber."
    The group crossed a bridge to the exit of the space port to the main city. Kalock's eyes were instantly dazzled by its beauty. He saw numerous buildings and towers made entirely of wood and plant stems, no robotics in sight.
   Red-skinned alien species made up the cities populace walking side by side the Xioalin and the assiatant
    Tutaka guided the mages into a hall of offices pointing at great works of architecture as he went. They reach the end of a long hall and great wooden doors opened revealing a long table. At the far end of the table stood Legion Captain Woe, surrounding him were Legion troopers standing with their weapons pointed at the Xioalin. The troopers armed with new Legion photon hand blasters and burst grenades.
The Xioalin were slightly outmatched.

    "I'm sorry Xioalin. I had no choice." Tutaka said. He parts from the Xioalin and joins Woe at the end of the table. Dark essence itself, Captain Woe slowly rose to his full height, adjusting the blade on his side holster.
   "We finally Meet Xioalin. After years of planning here we are once again. " Woe said with a grin. "Capture them."
   In the next instant the Xioalin charged from the room with their blades drawn. Yosa and his young apprentice wielded blades protected by magical spells to be unbreakable. As much as a weapon as pure works of art in a single form. In a graceful way it's waved side to side by Kalock deflecting bullets into the floor or redirecting them back to their source. His reflexes, while still young, allowed him to see the bullets trajectory while in mid air. Kalock's Master, Yosa, just as proficient in the movement.
     Kalock's weapon deflected bullet bolts into one of the soldiers sending him crumbling to the ground. As they ran down the hallway, Yosa deflected more bolts into several more troopers.
    In seconds the Xioalin were standing outside the offices, taking down the last of their pursuers when Yosa sensed a greater danger.
    "Little Quinn watch your spine!"
    Now outside the hallway, on a wooden bridge where the Xioalin were fighting, more troopers arrived from the opposite end, blocking them in.
    "We didn't come here to fight master, what do we do now?" Kalock said, deflecting two more bullets.
    Yosa deflects and moves his large form to dodge the bullets. He looks over the bridge that connects the many different buildings, down below are canopies of trees.
   "Into the trees, jump!"
   At the same time both Xioalin vaulted over the troopers, over the wooden bridge, plunging down into the brush of trees. The troopers aimed their weapon over the ropes but couldn't see through the canopy. Captain Woe with a menacing strode appears at the bridge, then looks down into the trees.
    "They couldn't have gone far captain." A trooper in all black said. " Do you want us to go after them?"
    "Yesss. Release the Punishpodss to sssearc for them. Find them before light fall."
   All the troopers together moved in unison toward the ports.

    Now blocked by the trees, the Xioalin make their way through the Forrest. Their footsteps crunching the leaves beneath their feet, swiftly creating distance between them and the coming Legion.
    Yosa's ears spiked up, he could hear the roar of ion engines coming fast.
     "Little Quinn, Legion are coming fast. Prepare for battle." Yosa said. "I don't sense any life nearby, I will allow magic."
    Both Xioalin stopped in their tracks, standing their ground, blades at the ready.
    "I get to show you my new spells, master. This time I hope you are watching." Kalock said.

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