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Aarag walked home from his brothers chamber at the monastery. As he walked through the streets he sensed danger. The people of Malakai, usually villagers, don't carry around bolt guns. Then before he knew it the.villagers that didn't belong converged on him, pushing their weapons into Aarag's back and side.
   "Come with us Speaker." One of the armed villagers said. The taller one of the two motioned to a side street. Aarag could have easily killed them, but then it would have given his secret away in front of so many Watching eyes.
  Besides Aarag wanted to see his abductor. He wanted to destroy the one responsible for this. The side street led to a space shuttle, with the only passengers being men fully covered from.head to toe in black armor. Three triangles were on their black suits, which were the emblem for the Legion. Aarag fell silent as they pushed him aboard the ship. He put all of his attention into calculating what the Legion exactly wanted from him.
  The shuttle flew only a few miles from Malakai, docking onto another ship waiting by one of malakai's moons. Once the ship landed, the men shoved Aarag roughly onto the steel hanger, he was reminded not to do anything foolish. Aarag continued to play the role of scared and intimated. The hanger opened up into a well lit corridor, leading into more lit up halls. Shoved forward by the men, they entered into a small chamber with an angled platform with a bright light above it. The table had restraining apparatus for feet and hands.
  The guards roughly strapped Aarag to the platform, then exited the chamber. Next, another door opened, but the figure didn't show themselves.
    "Where am I?"
    "That doesnt matter speaker. " A gentle voice said.
    "Do you know the punishment for abducting a speaker of the delegation? "
    "Better question is speaker, ask me if I care." 
  The man in the black military outfit paced around the platform. "All you need to know is that you are light days away from Malakai. Far away from the watchful, protective,  eye of your brother, the 'hero of Yukon'."
    "You're going to ransom me then?"
    "Nothing of the sort. Our plan for you is simple. I hope your captivity by the Legion will be a pleasant one."
    A trooper in all black approached the cell and The man in the black uniform. The trooper halted, his evident discomfort at talking showed as he bowed to one knee.
    "Sir. The emperor has requested your presence."
   The man nodded and headed off in the direction, accompanied by the trooper. Left in the holding cell, Aarag relaxed. He knew the restraints could hold a regular man, but he was no longer a regular man. He shifted slightly in his bonds, he performed an incantation.
    The spell caused the restraints to become hot then they melted to the floor. The same happened to his leg restraints. Aarag was now free, sliding off the platform to the floor.

*   *   *
The emperor was glowing florescent as the image of him flickered as a hologram.
   "Gama, report! How is the plan going?"
    "Excellent, my lord. Aarag has been captured we are on our way to Ki'lam. We should be there in a few light days."
    "Execellent. Gama, do not fail me."
   "I wouldn't dream of it my liege." Gama said. The screen went black, and Gama turned around to see a trooper's body suspended in the air. The trooper twisted up, desperately calling for help. Gama's eyes wide, and full of questions. The next moment Aarag appeared with his hand in a claw.
   Gama watched Aarag with a bewildered expression.
    "Magic is so wonderful to have isn't it." Aarag said. He made a fist and you could hear the troopers bones all snap at once. Aarag released the body, it fell to the steel floor with a thud.
    "You aren't supposed to be able to use magic. Your brother is the Xioalin, not you."
    "It seems you have your intell wrong, captain."
    " i cant believe it. You can hide your thoughts from me?" Gama said. Then red lightning poured out from his hands, but Aarag caught the lightning in his hand, absorbing it until the lightning stopped. His focus on the spell that kept his mind block from Gama, shifted.
   Gama eyes widened.
     "Incredible. You are the one that activated the chedoria shrine. Everyone just thought it was a myth, even the Xioalin. Where were you hiding?"
   "In plain sight." Aarag said.
   "If the spell was successful, then you managed to kill a Xioalin. How did you do that?"
    "This isn't an interview. How I see it, you abducted me. I should kill you right now."
    "You talk as if you can." Gama said. A smirk lining his face. "I hear your thoughts. You can't wait to test your strength against mine. You have great potential to master great magic, only had your spirit for a few years, not enough time to master certain spells."
   Gama walked around the bridge of the spaceship, Aarag circling, slowly. Both opponents blades at the ready, testing each other, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
    "You sense my power. You know you won't be able to beat me with magic, planning on out witting me instead? Your thoughts betray you here." Gama said
Aarag said nothing, only bringing his blade to a salute, then to his side.
  "I have a better deal." Gama said. "It can be our secret. You like secrets, don't you?"

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