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Millions of light years away, on planet Quinn, Aarag quickly hurried through the hallway of his home. He was being guided by the houses most trusted, royal guard. They exited out of the home into the estates private hanger bay. Where a luxury class starship was waiting, it's loading ramp already down.
    "What is the meaning of this?" Aarag asked.
    "You will have to talk with the Queen. I'm just following orders, kid." The guard said
Pushing Aarag up the ramp.
     "The Queen? Just following orders?"
     Now on the starship, Aarag and the royal guard appeared in front of the queen. She was waiting in the suite that was housed on the ship.
    "Mother what is going on?"
    "Darling, please sit with me." The Queen said.
   Aarag takes his seat next to his mother on the couch.
    "I'll explain more when we are leaving the planet."
   A voice comes through an intercom, letting all passengers know the pilot is getting ready for take off. The Queen and Aarag buckle themselves in and await the pressure that comes with breaking through the atmosphere.
Once the pressure was gone, the pilot came back on the intercom to let the passengers know it was okay to move around freely, gravitational mode was activated.
   Aarag quickly unfastened himself, and stood up looking at his mother. He paced around the room a few minutes before he spoke.
    "Now are you going to tell me what's going on?"
    The Queen didn't say anything as she remained strapped to her seat.
   "I know about Juri...the things you did to her." The Queen said.
   Aarag shoulders and expression dropped. His eyes were dead set on his mother.
   "So, you know about my experiments do you?" Aarag said. "I wouldn't have to do any of this if it wasn't for you!"
    "Me? You can't possible believe I led you to do this."
    "Of course you did," Aarag started. "You gave me this weak body. You watched as they chose Kalock! Im the better choice, I should have been the warrior, I should have been King! Not him." Aarag coughed hard.
   The Queen un strapped herself and quickly went to her sons side.
    "Are you okay my prince?"
   Aarag coughed hard again, whiping his mouth with his hand. He looked down at his palm to see a scarlet color smughed on his skin. His fist clenched, his blood boiling in his vessels. He reached out and grabbed his mother by the throat, both of his hands wrapped tightly in a vice.
    "Aarag—" the Queen struggled to say.
    "Why was I born with this weak body?" Aarag said. "Kalock was born healthy, strong. While I was given this weak form. So weak I didn't get the spirit of my father!"
   Aarag tightened his grip, his anger reaching an all time high. Until, he snapped. The Queen's body went limp, she fell from Aarag's grip hitting the floor.
    "Mother? " Aarag said. "Mother...mother! Mother!"
    The royal guard from before opened the door,  rushing in, his expression was grave.
    "What happen to the Queen?"
    "I dont know what happen. We were just having a conversation, and then.." Aarag Pulled the royal guards gun from his holster.
    "Aarag, what are you–" the guard began. Before he could finish, two neat holes were made through his armor.

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