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The first time since the Legion split from the Xioalin, the Xioalin were prey. Standing almost back to back in their clothed robes. Xioalin sentinel Yosa and his apprentice Kalock Quinn battled at the center of Legion troopers.
Yosa at some points didn't move to deflect the bolts yet moved his broad form side to side allowing the bullets to whiz past him. When it came for Kalock's turn to demonstrate his skill, a burst grenade was thrown causing him to split from his master. Rushing through the crowd of falling troopers, Yosa could see kalock and that he survived.
The two xioalin now split from each other didn't fault their defense. The equal crowds around the two collapsed one trooper after another, until all were piled on the ground around them. The hiss escaping from broken weapons punctured the silence of the now quiet city street.The air slightly smelled of iron, a smell kalock became accustomed to since he became the apprentice to Yosa.

"Focus your mind Kalock." Yosa said calmy, noticing his worn out apprentice. Kalock found the strength to lift his weapon again.
"Yes, Master."
Master Yosa continued forward through the war torn city toward a towering Legion base. The tall Dark metallic building was intimidating enough to Kalock. However it didn't stop his will to complete his new mission.
Yosa and Kalock raced for one of spaceship loading docks of the tower. Yosa with his blade in hand deflecting shots back at the troopers that guarded the entrance. Kalock deflected the shots that got past Yosa. In quick movements Yosa cut down the troopers guarding the entrance and destroyed the control panel for the door causing it to close down, hard.
"We shall split up from here little Quinn." Master Yosa said. " I sense a great magical presence here, no doubt thats Captain Woe. I will deal with him. Find way to make sure this base doesnt surivive." Master Yosa said. Giving Kalock one last look before he parted from his young apprentice.
"Understood, Master!"

Kalock now on his own traveled through corridors and snuck through airduct hatches to get into the upper levels of the building. He caught glimpses of large spaceship docking areas and would occasionally run into scrambling soldiers in the corridors.
Kalock did well to stay hidden to keep from engaging in energy wasting battles, his mission was clear cripple the base, not take out every Legion he sees. After crawling through another hatch, kalock soon arrived above the security center of the tower. Two engineers watched the hundreds of cameras, scanning to see even a glimpse of the Xioalin. In an instant they would have the Xioalin surrounded.
Kalock places one hand on the metal vent, focusing his mind and like magic the vent melts away causing what was left of it to hit the floor behind the engineers.
The two engineers shot up from their seats turning toward the noise. Instead of seeing the metal vent, the engineers caught a short glimpse of Kalock as he used a Xioalin pressure point technique that rendered both of the men unconscious.
As if he already knew what he was doing, kalock keyed in a few buttons and the screens of the many cameras went static, except for one. The one camera that was left watched a dark room with a single light over a book. It must be a magical tome, kalock thought.

* * *

Yosa fought his way through the fortress striking down any legion troopers that got in his way. He followed his senses for Woe's dark power, finding him soon after. Hardly breaking focus, Yosa burst through metal doors, blade in hand, entering a spaceship hanger.
Yosa found Woe inside standing next to a shiny spaceship that was being loaded up by troopers, carrying large crates.
"Going somewhere Woe?" Yosa yelled at him, moving in slowly.
"Ah--Xioalin you sssaved me the trouble of having to hunt you down myself." Woe said drawing his weapon.
"You will pay for many lives lost. Abusing your connection to the universe, corrupting your spirit. I'm going to enjoy crushing you." Yosa said.
His next moves were quick, Yosa used a spell known as 'battle force' a spell that inflicts one's own will on their surroundings. The entire fortress began to shake. Trembling beneath his feet, the metal floor cracked under the pressure.
Woe couldn't plant his feet firmly as the ground continued to shake and shift. The struts that secured the shiny ship broke from under causing the ship to topple over. Woe stabbed his blade in the ground to keep himself from falling over.
Then, yosa vaulted into the air, blade held up high ready to pin Woe to the floor. Woe uprighted himself and dodged the incoming attack.
Woe stabbed straight and Yosa had to jump back to dodge it. He pressed forward more forcefully, but Yosa continued to fend off his strikes, and then his momentum began to slow.
And then it was Yosa suddenly pressing the attack, his blade chopping and slicing so quickly that Woe could barely keep up. Yosa stabbed for Woe's shoulder, retracted his blade, then performed a effortless strike at Woe's thigh.
Woe grimaced in pain, stumbling backwards crashing hard to the floor.
"You disappoint Captain." Yosa said. "I thought it would be more a challenge."
"You will pay for this Xioalin." Woe said. He placed his hand on the ground, whispering an incantation as he did so. A portal opened up behind him, it grew in size as he continued.
On the other side of the portal, Yosa could see bedrock with an ocean view. To his surprise a monster slithered through, a Hydraxon, a monster with four legs, and ten tentacles. When one tentacle is cut or damaged, they can grow another one in its place. The beast was a behemoth, filling up the fortresses spaceport.

* * *
Inside of the fortress shook with great force, kalock could barely run straight. He ran down a long corridor, remebering the way to the tome he had saw on the screen. Any Legion that was unfortunate to be in his way was cut down.
"I hope master Yosa is okay." Kalock said. He reached the entrance of the room, there were no guards. He let himself in and just like on camera, the book was sitting where it was. Kalock grabbed the book from the pedestal that it was on, and nothing happened.
Kalock held the book in his hands, the material of the tome feeling ancient.
"Little Quinn."
Kalock could hear his masters voice in his head. " Woe has released a hydraxon, it was in the base now its made its way outside. Go stop the beast, I will finish Woe before he escapes."
"Im on it, master," Kalock thought. Kalock bolted down another corridor, his breathing short, keeping his pace. He came upon a window and quickly jumped through it, crashing out onto the otherside,exiting the Legion base.

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