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In a secret chamber in the inner workings of Yukon city, sat captain Woe, clicking onto a computer. A figure on the other end of screen wore a mask that covered his entire face. It was a mask that held no expression, the eye holes dark.
   "My Lord, I come before you to report." Captain Woe said. His snake like tongue striking out.
    "Proceed." The Legion emperor said.
  "The Xioalin are here, the plan is going accordingly," Captain Woe began. " They will be captured sssoon. You--"
   "--Captured soon?"
   "Yesss, my Lord. They essscaped into the outskirts of the city. My troopersss are already on their trail."
   "Do. Not. Fail me!"
   The emperor fazed out, and the computer screen was black once again.

*    *    *

    Punishpods - big, sphere shaped, Aerial computer piloted weapons. That have mobile gun units that Fire bullet bolts faster than a regular Legion rifle. In a quick swift motion, one of them was sliced in half by the quick motion, of Yosa's blade. Sparks and gas create an explosion that didn't seem to affect Yosa at all.
    Kalock stood his ground, twisting his blade right and left to deflect bolts. One Punishpod was caught dead center and came apart, the other continued to fire. Kalock moved again, tumbling under more incoming fire.
   With fast moving lips, kalock performs an incantation, releasing a fast moving ball of light. The ball of light smashes into the Punishpod, reducing it to rubble.
    "Did you see that, master? That spell is called--" kalock began.
    "--T'ghil Llab. I've seen it." Yosa said. "You live up to Quinn name."
  "Thank you, Master."
   Lurking in the shadows of the brush another punishpod, targeting systems, locked on to kalock. The machine moved in closer, slowly for a better shot. The computer mind, trying not to repeat the mistakes of its fallen brothers, approached with stealth.  Kalock and Yosa unaware of the pod.
   Then, the punishpod exploded and fell apart. Yosa and kalock glanced in the direction of the mechinal mess. Their heads turned to another noise, from the brush appeared a figure holding a sniper rifle.
   The Xioalin were both on guard.
   "I am not your enemy." The figure said. Taking off its mask, revealing a red skinned alien girl underneath, she looked to be around the same age as Kalock. "You are Xioalin? I knew you would come to save us, one day."

Yosa stepped forward.
  "We came to talk with king of Dadoo. What happen to him?"
   "He's gone. The legion killed him as their final act of taking over the planet." The girl said.
   "You said, you knew we would come?" Kalock asked.
   "I spoke to the gods for it to be so. This planet; this city, has been ravaged by these savages.  people enslaved to build the Legions empire." The girl paused. "My people."
   "You are Chero. The red skin I've seen from time." Yosa said. "A race enslaved by the Legion."
    "Yes. My grandmother would tell me of a time when my people were free. She would speak to the gods in hopes that 'the Xioalin' would come, I kept the same faith."
   "My master and I was dispatched here to talk with the king of Dadoo in hopes that we can form a unity of sorts. A unity of intergalactic--" Kalock started.
   "--Little Quinn you speak to much of Xioalin business." Yosa interrupted.
    "Sorry, master."
    "Little girl, what is your name?" Yosa asked.
    "Lydia." She said.
    " Can you get us back in city?"
    "Yes, I can. If you are going to fight arent you going to need your friends? The legion has an army."
    "No need. One Xioalin, worth ten thousand soldiers. I see two."
    "The stories that my grandmother would tell me are true. 'A Xioalin is a brave yet crazy'."

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