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— 10 years later
In the new headquarters building, sitting in the square of the judicial district, sat the private office of the director of the delegation of planets.
  "Thank you for coming." Master Shak said. "I wanted to speak with you about being my vice minister in the delegation."
  Shak wore his traditional yellow robes over his dark brown tunic and pants.
  He was the director of the delegation of planets. A body of planets represented by speakers  or representatives chosen by the planets top goverment officials.
  Shak was a triathlon, like most men of his species he had three horns that were on the top of his head,forming a crown. His eyes were a fire hazel brown that sat above a flat nose with a bridge that looked as if it collapsed in. His hearing organs were holes on the side of his head. His skin was smooth, even his three fingered hands could be compared to touching an eel.

"Well i did not expect this. Are you sure you want me for the position master Xioalin?" Aarag Quinn questioned. At twenty-Seven years old, Aarag wore his black hair short. He dressed impeccably well. Many who encountered the prince of Quinn described him, as a articulate, charming young man. Mild tempered, astonishingly well cultured in the Quinn ways. He was a noble in every sense, and was destined to go far in the field of politics.
  He is the brother to the hero of Yukon, Kalock Quinn. One of the two remaining survivors of the Quinn Royal family. Fully recovered from the tragedy that took his family's life a decade ago. A man whose love of politics and democracy hinted at a hidden side to his character. He had been the speaker for his planet for eight years. Deceiding on important matters in the place of his brother, the king.
   "I have witnessed your impeccable work. Even though your planet only recently joined the delegation, you have already affected the lives of many planets in different galaxies. I believe the work we will do as partners will further reach Headmaster vixens dream. You will, of course have to drop down from being the speaker of your planet.  If you aren't sure about it now, I will give you time to think this over." 
  "Yes. I will think it over. Well if we are done here I must be going. I actually have a meeting with headmaster Vixen,  and I don't want to be late, I hope you understand."
   "Wait." Master Shak said, standing up from behind his desk. "Prince of Quinn. I urge you to think about your place in the politics of your planet. The delegation could do good for everyone. A partnership of planets, Resources matching other resources. Think of the good we could achieve, speaker Aarag." 
  Aarag reached the door, responding without turning around, "I am honored by your choice in picking me to be your vice director. However I can only talk to my brother and the elders of the Quinn to come to a conclusive answer. I will meet with my brother soon, then I will return to you with my answer, director. "

  *    *    * 

Kalock Quinn, his robes swirling on the floor behind him, walked hastily through the courtyard of the monastery. His fellow Xioalin passing him with greetings.
   He was on his way to the headmasters chamber for breifing of a new mission. This would be his final mission before he would take his master trials. Years after ranking to a sentinel, he had been on many missions by himself. His magical connection to his spirit had grown.
   He aged in his time on the field, his hair a touch of grey, tied back in a samurai knot. His beard a golden silver mane. His robes changed from the apprentice green, to a burgundy tunic wrapped around his form. His eyes once a wonder of the universe, now have seen the harsh realities that it holds.
   "Headmaster you wanted to see me?" Kalock said. He opened up the door to the office to see headmaster Vixen sitting behind his desk in his spacious and mysterious office, with his brother Aarag sitting across from him on the left, and a beautiful red skinned woman sitting across from Vixen on his right. Everyone in the room stood to greet kalock properly.
  "Ah-Yes. Kalock I'm glad you have come."
   "Kalock?" The red skinned woman asked. Her face held the impression of joyous shock. Her smile with the brightness of her eyes showed that she needed no answer. "Can it really be? You have grown so much." She looked down to his feet then followed the trail up along his lean muscular frame, tilting her head back to empathize how tall Kalock had gotten.
   "Lydia? Or should i say, Queen of Dadoo."
   "Sentinel Quinn is it?  I was hoping to see you when I arrived. How is Sentinel Yosa doing?"
   "Its Master Yosa now. He ascended to the next rank." Kalock said.
    "What a nice reunion." Aarag said, cutting into the conversation. He coughed hard, then again. "Brother, you're late. Come sit, we have much to discuss."
   Everyone in the room took a seat in front of the Headmasters desk and listened to the next stages.
   "Kalock I called you here because someone attempted an assassination on Queen Lydia." Vixen said, clicking his teeth.
   "As I was saying before, if it wasn't for my guard sacificing his life I would have been killed." Lydia continued, "I didnt get a chance to see his face. Battled grey armor covered his body." Lydia from her side purse, took out a silver bolt shell. She placed it on Vixens desk.
  Vixen held it in his hands, holding it up to the light to examine it, "Your name is on the bolt, M'lady."
   "Yes. That is when I knew this wasnt just some terrorist attack."
   "How is your Dadoo intelligence handling the situation?" Aarag questioned.
   "Unfortunately, not good. That is why I have come to seek the help of the Xioalin."
   Headmaster Vixen sighed, then looked out into the Malakai dawn, "My Queen. I am assigning Sentinel Quinn and Juno over your protection." Then Vixen looked over to Kalock, who had an expression of determination.
  "Follow her to her next assignment. If this mercenary attempts another assassination, I want him captured and brought here. Dead or alive. Understand sentinel Quinn?"
   "Yes headmaster." Kalock said. Then giving a slight bow to lydia. "I will protect you with my life. We will stop this menace. I promise."
  Lydia looked into kalocks eyes, her expression leaving no question that she didn't believe him.  "The gods have answered my prayers again. I know you will not fail me, Hero of Yukon."

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