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Kalock stood in the shadow of the Hydaxon's towering form. Each of the beast legs was 2 meters high. The ten tentacles that it had was 6 meters long, as thick as tree trunks.
     The hydraxon adavnced slowely, squirming tentacles hitting the ground. The beast let out a great roar that shook the city, civilians ran for there lives.
     Kalock stood his ground, he focused his mind, manipulating the energy around him. He opened his hands and bright light came from them. The lights attracted the hydraxon.
     Everything in the hydraxon's path, houses, hovercars, bikes, people, were crushed under the might of the monster. Kalock answered the charge with calm breathing techniques.
     The hydraxon lashed out at kalock and he leapt over it, leaping over another tentacle as it came down, chopping down with light in his hand at the tentacle. He missed his chance when another tentacle knocked him hard from the side into trees that were nearby.
    Before kalock could get up, more tentacles were closing in on him. Two tentacles smashed the tree to ruble, kalock managing to jump to safety in time.
     The hydraxon whirled around  and whipped its tentacle at him, following with a great lunge forward and vicious stomp attempting to crush kalock. He dodged attack after attack, falling into a rhythm, eventually gaining the chance to strike at the beast's head. Kalocks light blade spell hit home and tore a long gash in the creatures head destroying one eye. The hydraxon shrieked and jerked back crashing down into more buildings, it's tentacles getting tangled in vines.

*    *    *

Now outside of the base, in the city, Woe took the opportunity to escape once Yosa was distracted by the Hydraxon. It wasn't long till he discovered the Xioalin was back on his trail, chasing him very closely through the city of Yukon.
   Woe tried to lose him by jumping and dropping to the streets, zigzaging through bridges but nothing stopped Yosa's charge.
   Yosa soon discovered that Woe wasn't running away, but running toward something. Woe disappeared inside of a stem made building, and yosa went in after him. Inside the building on the other side of the great Forrest, was a ship ready for launch.
   "Stop!" Yosa yelled. Yosa put out his hands, whispering an incantation. the ground below Woe's feet cracked open, a vine reaching up wrapping around his leg. Causing him to stumble forward. The vice grip around Woe's leg kept him from getting up in time before Yosa was on him, with his blade pointed at his chin.
   "It is over, captain." Yosa said.
   "You won't destroy the Legion. When you kill me another will take my place. One day the Legion will—" Woe was cut short by a swift slice from Yosa's blade. Woe's head rolled to Yosa's feet.
   "—fall." Yosa finished.

*   *   *
  "I have to get this monster out of here." Kalock said.
   With whispering incantations, kalock brought forth a circular disk of light, he jumped on it. The disk flew kalock high into the air over the cityscape revealing the entire city, and he could see the ocean from this height, he had a plan.
    The hydraxon recovered lurching forward, releasing a scream so loud it shook the earth.
Kalock hands lit up with light once more. He threw the balls of light from his hands, they rained down on the monster, scarring its hide. The beast became more enraged, lashing out one of its tentacles. Kalock maneuvered the disk to a safe distance out of range of the attack.
     Kalock had the hydraxons attention and flew toward the beach front. As he flew fast through the air he could feel the hydraxon close behind him, whipping it's tentacles at his back. He ducked and twirled in the air under the rapid swings of the tentacles, his destination, the beach, closing in fast.
      The light disk was now over the sands of the beach when a tentacle slamed hard into kalock knocking him off, he rolled in the sand. The hydraxon now towered over him once more. He was too battered and exhausted to get up from the ground, the sand not being stable enough to hold him up.
       The beast came down with its mammoth jaws and crunched down in the sand, twisting it's head. Snapping it's jaws, chomping on the young Xioalin and sand. Once it was done swallowing the beast saw the calm ocean and retreated. It's large form crashing causing huge waves and ripples in the water. Townspeople came out from their hiding positions to see the monster drift and disappear into the water.
     A few feet from where kalock had been eaten a ball of light appeared. Kalock fell out of the ball, hitting the sand relatively okay. The townspeople saw the miracle before their own eyes and rushed to the beach to greet their savior. They surrounded Kalock and lifted him high into the air, chanting words in a dialect he could barely understand. From what he could understand though, they were calling him the 'hero of Yukon.'

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