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"There I see them!" Kalock shouted, pointing at the bounty hunters hovercar. The bounty hunter noticed them and started shooting. Kalock maneuvered  the floating disk of light to dodge the shots. Eclise clung to his Xioalin friend, as the disk slung him around, almost causing him to fall off.
   "If you spent as much time on your driving skills as you do meditating, i wouldnt have almost died just then." Eclise said as he ducked under bolt shells, getting jolted around as Kalock made a series of evasive dives and turns.
   "I'm one of the best light disk pilots." Kalock said.
   "Only in your dreams." Eclise retorted. He yelped reflexively as Kalock dived in and out of incoming infrastructures, narrowly missing a few buildings. "Don't let him get away lock." His words getting caught in his throat, as Kalock cut a sharp turn, then dipped under an incoming suspended walkway.
  Putting them right behind the bounty hunter and the captured Lydia. Kalock could see the now unconscious queen sitting in the backseat of the hovercar, sliding about as the bounty hunter did his best to escape his pursuers.
   "Get me closer." Eclise said, as he stood up. Kalock made the disk go faster, getting as close to the hovercar as possible. Eclise used his Xioalin strength to catapult himself from the disk, through the air, hitting the back of the hovercraft hard, but he was latched on.
   The bounty hunter thought he was hit by an attack from the Xioalin, but after examining he noticed the hanging Eclise on the rear of the car. The bounty hunter pulled the car fast close to buildings then out into incoming traffic skylanes, hoping to dislodge the Xioalin, but it didn't work.
Eclise gaining an upper hand finallly began to crawl to the cockpit.
  With Kalock fast on their heels, the bounty hunter accelerated and reached out his bolt blaster and let off a few angled shots at Eclise. But, the angle was wrong and the shots didn't score any hits. The hunter, frustrated to see the Xioalin continuing his crawl, despite all he tried to do to shake him off.
  Eclise made it into the cockpit, desperately sucking in air. The bounty hunter waited for him and let go of the control of the craft and started attacking. The attacks were sloppy and sluggish, due to the hovercraft jolting to the left and right, sliding in and out of traffic. Eclise blocked and parried the fist and knees that the hunter threw at him, Protecting not only himself but the Queen.
   Eclise knocked the bounty hunter back hard with a well placed fist to the face. The hunter stumbled over the front seat, taking control of the hovercraft again with one hand.  This caused the craft to spin out of control. They dived and spun, sidelong and head over. Both hung on for dear life as they spiraled toward an incoming rooftop.
  At the last second the bounty hunter gained control of the craft and instead of a crash, he caused the car to spark skid across the roof of a skyscraper coming to a hard stop. Causing both Eclise, Lydia and the bounty hunter to go flying through the air. Eclise grabbed Lydia in midair, pulling her in close as they tumbled on the roof, eventually Eclise getting to his feet.
  "You have alot to answer for." Eclise said "Surrender or be destr—" he stopped suddenly as the bounty hunter didn't wait for him to finish his speech, but decided to attack.
  He charged for the Xioalin, looping his arm around Eclise's neck and bearing him back. The hold didn't last for long, the Xioalin was too strong. Eclise stuck his leg in between the hunters feet and started to twist to the side, flipping the hunter over his shoulder.
  The hunter, scrambled quickly back to his feet, as Kalock jumped from his disk of light landing softly behind him. Now he was between two Xioalin.
  "Surrender there is no escape for you." Kalock said. "Don't try and resist there is no winning this fight."
  The hunter didn't listen only pressing a button on his wrist, and his hovercraft jolted then flew into the air. The craft revealed two cannon blasters that were attached to the hood of the car and they started unloading heavy bolt fire.
  The two Xioalin dodge the incoming fire, leaping and flying across the roof in somersaults and backflips. The heavy cannons followed the Xioalin, causing Kalock to dive again, but this time the explosions from the bolts sent him spiraling toward the ground, with his blade being knocked from his hands.
  The hunter pressed another button on his comm wrist and the ship reacted locking on to Kalock. The ship menacingly floated into his direction.
  The hunter didn't waste the confusion between the Xioalin, he charged for Eclise. A left jab smashed the Xioalin in the face, followed by a right cross, that should have knocked the man out. But again, with keen reflexes, Eclise ducked the attack, leaping back, creating space between them.
  With enough time and Distance, Eclise let loose an incantation that came in the form of hands, coming up from the roof to grab for the hunter. But, the hunter noticed the roof transforming, activating his rocket boots to shortly launch himself into the air to dodge it. Next, the hunter revealed a barrel of a stout flamethrower.
  A burst of flames reached out for Eclise, igniting his tunic. He leapt high over the hunter, at the same time pulling the burning tunic from his torso, throwing it to the side. He didn't have much time to access his position, when the hunter fired bolts from a barrel on his wrist.
  Eclise, with blinding speed, summoned an incantation that formed a green shield to protect himself from the attack.

Kalock dived under more heavy bolt fire, unable to retrieve his sword. The hunter's hovercraft locked on to him, creating explosions that rocked the metal beneath him. Pieces of the metal roof tearing away from the structure.
   Kalock, whispering a spell, released a ball of light from his hands and it crashed into the hovercraft. The craft was knocked back by the attack and then fell to the ground in a heap of metal.

Eclise focused and slowed his breathing, swinging his sword around like lightning to parry the hunter's shots. With the second round of shots, eclise was more in control, sending one bolt back at the bounty hunter, who was already on the move.
    But the Xioalin was on him immediately, blade slicing through the air. The hunter dodged again, his rocket boots lifting him into the air, trying to stay out of reach of Eclise's blade. Occasionally firing shots at the Xioalin.
   This assassin was good, Eclise thought. More than once did the assassin almost land a direct hit. Eclise desperately maneuvered and dived out of the way of the incoming shots. The hunter kept up his flurry of shots, keeping Eclise on the defensive. Not giving the Xioalin enough time to focus his mind to cast any incantations.

  "Lock! Get the Queen out of here." Eclise said, looking back at his friend that was picking up his sword. "I'll handle this guy, I'll meet you back at the palace. I'll be right behind you."
  "We can finish this guy together, Eclise."
  "No. We have to get the Queen out of here, She's still in the line of fire. We can't hope to beat this guy and protect her at the same time."
  "I don't like this idea, but you're right."
  "Yeah, you know I am." Eclise said, letting a short smirk arch his lips. " Ill cover you! Now go!"
Kalock and Eclise broke away from each other. With the latter charging for the unconscious Queen. Once Kalock had her tight in his grasp, he took one last look at Eclise and ran.
  The hunter picked up on what Kalock was trying to do and flew to his side of the roof, but he was met there by Eclise, blocking him off.
  "We aren't finished yet." Eclise said.
   Eclise launched himself at the hunter, blocking bolt after bolt. Deflecting one after another and turning one bolt back at the hunter. But as the bolt was coming toward him, the hunter activated his rocket boots to leap away.
Eclise tumbled again as the hunter fired more shots. Now, that the Queen and Kalock were out of the picture, Eclise focused and eased into the flow of the battle. He whispered ancient words and fire burst from his palm towards the hunter.
  The hunter thinking quick, deactivated his rocket boots, dropped to the roof to dodge the great ball of fire. As the hunter came down, Eclise heard a sound, nothing like a bolt gun, but something like a screech. For that split second he lost his concentration, as a thin wire slid around his wrist, securing both tightly, causing Eclise to lose his blade.
  Eclise rolled about the roof and came back to his Feet, then back tumbling to the ground as the hunter jerked him around, pulling Eclise in closer. The hunter wickedly snapped his head into Eclise's face, dazing him for a moment. The hunter then launched a heavy punch, doubling Eclise over bringing him to his knees.
  Before Eclise knew it, the hunter placed the barrel of his bolt gun at his head. His eyes still in a daze and unfocused looked out past the hunter. When his tired eyes refocused, he could see how far Kalock had gotten away from the scene. The metal city being like a jungle and Kalock was escaping through the brush of it all.
Eclise knew this could be it for him, he closed his eyes and  concentrated on his breathing. He knew in his mind that if he doesn't figure out something, the hunter will kill him and continue to assassinate Lydia. He wanted to end this, but his stamina was depleting fast, Eclise had enough energy for one last spell.
   With the hunter standing over him, Eclise with his eyes closed began whispering to himself.
  In the distance above the clouds, you could hear rolling thunder. The clouds gathered in one area, swirling together, forming a funnel cloud above the skyscrapers.
   "Ill let you finish your prayer monk." The hunter taunted. "Go to the afterlife and tell them, Grimlock sent you."
  Before Grimlock the hunter could pull the trigger, more thunder roared in the sky. Grimlock looked up at the dark clouds above him, at the same time Eclise opened his eyes and electricity poured out from them.
   "Strike god of thunder, Raijin." Eclise finished. A bolt of lightning struck down, Illuminating the sky with a pure silent white. Nothing could be heard only the crackle and the crash as the lightning bolt hit the roof of the skyscraper causing the entire infrastructure to collapse in on itself. An explosion of fire and hot metal falling down to the streets of Nibiru.
   Kalock stopped on a roof far from the assassin and Eclise when he heard the thunder. When he looked back he saw the same skycraper now falling and crashing toward the street. Falling, knocking over more skyscrapers as it went down.
  "Eclise!!" Kalock called out. Still holding Lydia in his arms, tears swelled up in his eyes. He could not sense his friends spirit anymore, it was gone with the rolling thunder. "Eclise!!"

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