Author Note

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Alrighty so for a while I've been working on other stuff and I finally got a plot for the spin off. With that being said I'm going to name it "The Carnival of Hell" and it takes place right after the end of the school year.

Basically it's about you going to an abandoned carnival with the boys and it turns out that at night, the gates shut around the carnival and these entities run the place. You and the boys are trapped in the carnival and the only way to escape is by finding the key to the front gate, and getting there safely.

Please remember this is a spin off so it only involves the two boys from the show, as the jesters that they were portrayed as in this book. If you have any questions please ask here. I will be publishing the first few chapters soon so please stay tuned and check my page for the spin off!

The story now includes returning to Nevermore! I'm hoping to come up with a plot due to the fact season two has yet to happen... Sadly.

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