. ° .• °:. *₊° - Though I Can't Recall Your Face

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. ° .• °:. *° — Though I Can't Recall Your Face

When it came to family decisions, it always was Lydia and Inés, as baby Andrew was well, a baby, and Lydia trusted Inés to make a good decision. She taught her well. It wasn't a surprise when the kid turned eleven and decided she wanted to be an actress. It wasn't a hard decision for Lydia either, the soonest she could she enlisted the girl in acting classes with the better teacher's she could afford, which wasn't a lot, but Inés never complained.

Inés always had a thing for theatrics, ever since she was a kid. Making little songs for any little activity she did, or acting the scenes of the books she read out loud, like some kind of play. Inés still remembers that first after school class, the energy rush she felt after it, she knew that was it. That was what she wanted to do. So she kept doing it.

All her little songs stayed in that notebook she always carried, and her little scenes went up in her school's theater. Her first play was Romeo and Juilet in eighth grade. She auditioned for Romeo as a joke, she got picked instead of the cute boy. She remembers being so nervous about being in front of so many people made her feel sick, how even just thinking about what being Romeo meant, and how great that first time went. From there, Inés would do anything to keep acting.

And Lydia never missed any of her presentations, not when it was a school play, and not when she started singing in the church's choir. Inés was immensely thankful for that, she knew she wouldn't have made it without her. It wasn't a surprise she started being noticed by adults, adults that knew what she was capable of and knew how to exploit that. Inés still vividly remembers the time when she got her first serious job, when the guy called Lydia and told her she got in, how at dinner her sister revealed the news and Inés cried out of pure joy.

It was a small movie, it didn't have much recognition, but she finally had the chance to prove her worth. Inés got to play a twelve year old girl, struggling with addiction and homelessness, who finally gets help once she realizes she wants to live to become a teacher. And it only got better from there. She was finally in the world, where she belonged. And she was happier than ever. The roles she got offered the most were characters quite younger than she was, as she was rather small for a fourteen year old, but she lived happily playing these girls with lives so different than hers yet so similar to how it once had been. She had no problem empathizing with her characters, creating this bond with them the camera gladly picked up on.

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