. ° .• °:. *₊° - Like A Rainbow With All Of The Colors

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. ° .• °:. *° — Like A Rainbow With All Of The Colors

"I just don't understand."

"What? That someone might like you? It's a shock for me too, sweetie."

"You're not helping, you know?"

She's shaking, and she doesn't even know why. Least to say it caught her off guard when her stalking session only led to finding out Bella from the Live had been following her for months already. That's not a reason for shaking, she's going insane and she just looked like a fool in front of the 23k people that witnessed that moment. To Millie and Jake, she looks like an idiot, but they don't understand. Neither does she, and it's weird.

"So let me get this straight," the boy begins, sitting beside his girlfriend and across Inés, who's curled up in a ball on the front sofa. "There was someone in your Live," she nods. "and you didn't recognize her. There's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Millie agrees.

"Jake, this Bella has been following me for six fucking months, I should know at least her name by now. And like, how did I not know about her? She's literally playing my favorite character from my favorite game because I guess somebody forgot to tell me it was getting a TV show? ¿Qué me está pasando? Am I going crazy?"

The girl shrugs, "I think you're just a little dehydrated. And busy. You should get a rest after this press is over."

Millie knows her, she perfectly knows Inés tends to overthink even the minimal stuff, i. e. a small interaction with someone she's never met before, in such a public space, like a livestream. The girl hands her a cup of water and Inés chugs it down like she just ran a full marathon, and gives a long sigh after finishing it. And right now, with RED coming out in a few weeks, and the greenlight for the second season of Diana, she's not been getting enough free time for herself. Millie knows it, and Inés knows it. The girl will keep on denying she's work-saturated though.



Inés breathes, deep and steady, as she tries to calm herself down. She is fine, she's with her friends, and they got her back.

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