Meeting an Immortal

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We found a fiery surprise in my lab. The man in the mask was back. Luckily I had the camera rolling all night. I also had plugged it in to ensure it didn't die.
"Um, you opened the portal?" He asked, his voice deep and stirred something inside of me.
"Yes. My sister opened the portal. Now go back before you terrorize her more," Ben yelled, causing the immortal to fall back into the portal. I closed it and cried, pissed that all my hard work didn't pay off the way I expected it to. Ben held me against him and murmured that it was going to be alright. I heard a soft voice call out to the both of us.
"Satterelys, be careful of what goes on. I will be back," the immortal whispered, and I shivered.

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