Secret Portal Creating

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Kane helped me get into the lab and I started re-building my portal, the portal. I knew Ben would be here any moment but my heart stopped when he walked in and saw the portal. I looked at him, then Kane. But Kane had disappeared without a trace of him. I knew Ben would be mad, but I just wasn't prepared for what happened next.

¨So, is it ready for human transport?" Ben asked, grabbing the portal remote. I smiled and fired it up. I let him know that it was dangerous to go into the immortal world for three reasons. 1. People will try to kill us. 2. People will try to get at us. 3. People won't notice us. I looked at Ben and opened the portal. I flung myself in and curled into a ball. Ben did the same thing as I hit the ground with a hard thud. Ben landed next to me and started to laugh.

¨That wasn't too bad!¨ Ben choked, struggling to catch his breath. I noticed the Undertaker walking straight for us, well straight for me.

¨Don't you see Alex? We're all monsters!¨ Taker yelled, and it caused a chain reaction. Everybody's voices mingled with Takers and I covered my ears. Ben was stunned by the audacity of the deadman, but I tried so hard to make peace with the immortals.

¨Please stop! I tried to make peace with the mortal and immortal worlds. I already has success with one, why not all of you? Please, we need to make peace. But I won't force you to,¨ I pleaded, calming down all of the immortals. Kane walked up and leaned down.

¨So, you brought your brother? Why?¨ Kane asked, looking hurt that I couldn't be alone with him.

¨Because, it's time I make up the time I lost with my brother,¨ I told him, looking him in the eye. Taker walked up and rested a hand on his younger brothers shoulder.

¨Kane, we both know what its like to be separated. If Alex wanted to bring Ben, then you should accept it. I did, so should you. I don't care what you say, I made my decision,¨ Taker said, his deep voice soft and menacing. Kane nodded and sighed, knowing he couldn't win against us.

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