Moving to the Immortal world

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"Are you sure that this is what you really want?" Ben asked, and I nodded.
"I'm scared though Ben, what if the immortals unnecessarily kill me?" I asked, looking now at Kane.
"McMahon already knows about us, and he will personally ban any immortal who tries to kill you," Kane said, helping tape a box. I shuttered at the thought of the immortals trying to kill me. I involuntarily rubbed my already growing baby bump, but Ben noticed.
"How far along?" He asked, and Kanes reaction was priceless. His blue eyes went big and the tape roller fell out of his hands.
"Y-your going to have m-my ba-baby?" Kane stuttered, and I nodded. Kane fell to his knees and rested his forehead to my belly. His warm breath tickled my skin as he broke down and cried.
"Hey, baby. Its daddy, please be careful to mommy, she's very pretty. I can't wait to meet you, please come soon," Kane murmured, nuzzling my belly.

Its been two months since we found out I was pregnant. Two months since I moved to the immortal world. Since then, I've had physical and mental changes. My belly has gotten bigger and motherly instincts kick in when an immortal child falls.

Its hard, knowing that McMahon would kill any immortal that tried killing me. I wasn't used to it, but in time I think I will.

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