Immortal city

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I looked around, stunned by all the immortals. One in particular stood out from the rest. And he was walking straight for me.
"Glad you found us when you did. McMahon called an immortal meeting. Come on I'll sneak you in," he whispered, careful not to hint that I was a mortal. I glanced around and smiled when they smiled at me, but still kept relatively close to the big red immortal. I saw the town hall and gulped. It was in open air and it could easily not hide me. My hair was going to stick out like a sore thumb. I was in deep shit unless the big immortal could protect me.

It went easier than I expected. Now it was time for me to go home. I went back to Authority Road and opened the portal. I soon found myself face to face with a pissed off Ben.

The Immortality of KaneWhere stories live. Discover now