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Dusk was curled in the dip of a hollow boulder. She blinked her eyes sleepily. Where am I? Dusk noticed she was surrounded by bramble bushes, thorns snagging into her pelt. Dusk stood still, not wanting to tear her fur off. Dusk realized this was not where she had last been, confusion clawing at her. Suddenly, a yowl split the air.

"Sapphire! Sapphire! Sapphire!" A voice screeched angrily. Dusk's fur stood on end as the voice grew louder and louder, and soon Dusk knew that whoever was screaming was approaching her. Dusk took off through the dead trees, navigating the fog. She panted as she ran.

"When will this forest end?" She whimpered. Dusk didn't notice the fallen branch before her and fell face-first into the grass upon impact. Dusk began to limp away as the screams still grew in volume.

"You will never escape! I will not rest till you're dead!" He shrieked. Dusk collapsed and let out a worried cry as she couldn't get up. Her breath sped up, her flanks never touching the dusty rocks as the thundering of paws beats on the ground. Dusk flailed her feet helplessly until a starry cat appeared over her, eyes clouded with anger.

"Wake up! You're dreaming! This isn't real!" She snapped, her teeth bared. Dusk closed her eyes and tried to focus on the cat's words. This isn't real; it's only a dream, She thought. Please wake up! Dusk began to fade into dust, reappearing in her nest. Dusk opened her eyes and saw that Snow had replaced the spirit.

"You will not believe what happened. You were telling yourself to wake up in your dream!" Snow gasped. Dusk jumped to her paws and looked around. Milky dawn light spilled through the window, and clouds covered the sun. Dusk flicked her ears in surprise.

"Really?" She yawned. Snow lapped the air like a pond, then jumped off the pillows. She whisked her tail toward the door.

"I'm gonna catch us a squirrel or a mouse, whatever hangs around the academy." Snow mewed. She vanished through the door of their dorm, and Dusk tried to comprehend what had happened. Yesterday, Dusk and Snow were made roommates because it would be easier to tutor that way. Dusk leaped up to the windowsill and opened the window. Crisp autumn air pressed her fur to her face.

"You could have just opened the door." A voice laughed. Snow exploded out of the bushes and hurtled herself into Dusk, knocking her off the windowsill. Dusk scrambled up to her feet and saw what Snow was carrying. Pika, Dusk licked her lips. Snow dropped the pika on the floor, its limp body landing with a thump.

"Eat." She instructed. In a few neat, rapid bites, Dusk had eaten the whole thing. Snow threw a gray cloak over Dusk.

"Tell me more." A tom growled, staring directly into Dusk's eyes. Dusk felt so small. Dusk had left her dorm and told the dean, Simon, about her dream. He seemed very invested in learning more.

"I-I fell, and some cat hovered over me and told me to wake up, but I had to convince myself to wake up." Dusk stammered. Simon's eyebrows raised. He stalked over to a chest and started to unlock it.

"Oh? What did the cat look like?" He asked. Dusk shifted her paws, trying to remember what they looked like. Then, Dusk heard a click and then the sound of paws shuffling.

"Golden fur, I think... Blue eyes..."

"Say no more. I know who you are speaking of. Her name is Stripes. She died a few years ago." Simon mewed. He pulled out a scroll of paper and began to recite the words. "The greatest evil will awaken, and only the cat with the Mark of the Moon will be able to stop it. Do you think you know what it means?" He turned to face Dusk.


"Are you sure?"

"No!" Dusk yelled, her fur bristling in anger. She fled out of the room and ran outside. The wind buffeted her face. Just like home... She thought, peace wrapping her mind. The sun had risen above the clouds, and the dawn colors had faded. What was he saying? Someone about the moon? I'm sure it's optional.

I know this chapter was lame, but I didn't have anything to describe. I'll do better next time, sorry.

Mark of the Moon (MAGIC CAT ACADEMY STORY)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora