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Dusk stood boldly under a curved branch. She stalked through the academy, avoiding tiny twigs. She peeped out the window and saw a storm gathering. This would be big. Dusk was getting close to the roof. She pressed her body against the wall as the branches grew thicker. A tree limb smacked her face. Dusk took a deep breath, feeling fear pulse through her. Her nostrils caught the scent of caked earth. She heard the pounding of paws. Suddenly a voice appeared she recognized.

"I can't believe you, Ivy!" It was Heart. She was fuming at Ivy, the ghost she loved. Dusk's ear smushed up against the wall as she listened.

"I'm sorry, Heart. Reggie said he'd k-kill me if I didn't show him the shortcut." Ivy stammered. 

"What's the point? We're already dead! We are here because we are awful cats. So now I see how much a traitor you are!" Heart snapped. 

"Please, Heart. We can be together-" Heart cut him off.

"I don't want anything to do with you, you turncoat! Go back to Reggie! I despise you!" Heart snarled. Dusk heard a shriek and the sound of teeth sinking into the fur. No Heart! Dusk blazed through the branches like a wave of fire. As she leaped through a weaved thicket, the twig caught her pelt. She dangled from the stem. Dusk nipped her back fur and dropped from the branches. Blood glistened on her back. Dusk drew a heart in the air, and the wind caught the wound and chased it away. Dusk bounded over the rest of the tree branches and froze. When she went outside, she'd face Reggie. The academy depended on her. Dusk took another deep breath to stop a panic attack and walked into the flurry of light. A shaft of rain poured over her, drenching only her black fur. Dusk walked further until she was only a few feet away from Reggie, who floated in the sky.

"So you survived." He growled. His white eyes turned pale in the moonlight, and even his black and white splotches showed. Dusk couldn't stop herself from shaking. "If you're scared now, watch this!" Reggie opened a page of Rose's diary and silently read for a few heartbeats. Dusk gasped as he grew in size and towered over Dusk. I'll have to fly up there. Dusk realized. Sometimes, the cats were taught how to fly on brooms in magic class. Dusk knew this was planned because a broom was at her feet. She gripped her claws into it and sat down on the smooth wood. The bristles brushed her tail. Dusk crouched down and let the broom carry her up. She felt worried being in midair, but Dusk remembered when she had first learned to use a broom. She did so many flips Snow had to throw a stone at her wand. It almost hit Dusk's leg. Dusk stood before the massive ghost. She sat up straight, lifting her wand. "Here we go." Reggie's words summoned a few ghosts, but they all looked weak. Dusk did all the movements Snow had taught her, releasing a wildfire into the sky and then sending crashing rain over another ghost. Dusk grinned at Reggie when they all faded.

"Got anything harder?" She sneered, waving her wand at Reggie. Reggie snarled and opened his enormous jaws, and stalked toward Dusk. Dusk panicked and flicked her wand neatly, sending out flame after flame, and then she was basically in Reggie's mouth. Dusk drew a lightning bolt, and her spell seemed to slow time. A glowing white spark emerged from the tip of her wand. It started to look like a leafless tree, with bolts sticking out everywhere. As it split the sky, Dusk covered her ears when Reggie yelped; the lightning had hit the roof of his mouth. Dusk purred with satisfaction as he backed away. The bolts turned shades of purple and pink and faded away. 

"I'm not dead yet, kitty!" He bellowed. His tiny tail wiggled as a command for more ghosts to come. Dusk easily defeated three, but she could tell she'd have to tackle the fourth. Dusk pictured herself leaping from the broom and attacking the ghost. She lowered onto her haunches and pressed upward. She could barely gain enough height when the broom threatened to cause her to fall into the endless sky. Dusk gripped the ghost by its ear and swung from the ghost's body. She pushed her legs against it to get a better grip and unsheathed her claws. Her claws sunk into ghostly flesh as she let go of his ear. She bit his scruff. The ghost thrashed around, attempting to throw Dusk off, but Dusk was determined not to let go. She ripped fur from his neck and, with horror, realized something. I forgot to do the strength spell! Dusk fished her wand from her pocket and carelessly drew a triangle. It was only when she was in midair did she finish her magic. Dusk's eyes clouded over until they were dull as she fell. I am going to die. No dead cats can save me this time. She closed her eyes, and the wind ripped through her fur as she approached the ground. For one heavenly moment, she could hear Dawn's steady breathing. A voice whispered to her. Fly, Dusk! Let the gusts carry you to your broom! Dusk unfurled her eyes. Someone was speaking to her sternly. Fly! Dusk's paws started churning in the air, and as if she was swimming, she began to rise. That's the way! Keep going! Dusk slowly climbed upward until her paws touched wood. She looked up, and her vision cleared when she saw Reggie staring at her in disbelief. "You flew. How am I this unlucky?" Reggie grumbled. He opened his jaws, but Dusk was faster this time. Before she drew the final lightning bolt, Dusk heard a voice appear behind her.

"Yeah! Kill him! Kill him!" It was Heart. Dusk swiped her wand, and the chanting stopped. She felt hollow when she realized what she had done. Reggie made a loud screech before throwing himself far into the sky. Dusk grabbed her book when it fell and flew down. I should feel happy. Dusk thought her heart would shatter when Ivy screamed.

"No! Heart! Please tell me you disappeared before getting electrocuted!" Dusk tripped off her broom and glanced over at Ivy. He was weeping over a pile of tawny fluff. He shuffled his paws and glared at Dusk. "You killed her! She saved your life, and this is how you repay her? I thought she'd love me again if I saved you from Mimas! Because of you, we can never be together!" Dusk expected him to pounce on her, but he seemed too weak. Dusk couldn't bear his sobbing, so she returned to her friends. She stopped and stared at her paws when she reached the brambles. The new students crowded around her, cheering. Dusk sat down and exploded into tears to block out the praises. Snow pushed through everyone and nudged Dusk comfortingly.

"It'll be ok. You saved everyone! Aren't you glad you're a hero?" Snow cooed. Dusk shook her head.

"Heart faded away because of me! She saved my life, and I give her this in exchange?" Dusk hung her head low in shame. "It won't be ok! I don't deserve to be saved every time I'm in danger. I nearly drowned, and Sapphire saved me! I fainted midair, and Dapple saved me! Even Ivy saved me from being ripped to less than shreds!" Dusk screeched at Snow. "Don't make it like I'm any different!" 

"You are different. You have the Mark of the Moon. They saved you because they couldn't let you die. If you did, we'd all be doomed." Sapphire croaked. Her yellow eyes stared down at Dusk.


"It's time." Dusk shuddered at the new voice. A small, lithe she-cat was walking toward Dusk. She's just a vision. Her fur is hazy. Dusk thought her heart would stop and flood with emotion when she noticed Dawn. Dawn rested on her muzzle on Dusk's head. Dusk shook from the effort of standing up. "My dear sister. You flew. I thought only birds could fly until you left." Dawn's voice soothed Dusk.

"Now I want to stay! I just want to go home and be with you..." Dusk protested, her voice hardly more than a whisper.

"Your paws cannot walk that far. Something important waits—something you've glimpsed past before." Dawn's words echoed.

"But how will I find it?"

"Let your mind do the work. You'll travel far and then back again. But soon, you'll reach a point where you can't turn back." Dawn ceased, and only a few particles of dust showed she appeared. Dusk breathed in her scent one last time until she disappeared. Dusk lifted her head so she could peer into the patchy sky. Above Dusk, the clouds cleared out so the stars could stare at her.

"I'll find that place for you, Dawn. No matter what stands between us."

Mark of the Moon (MAGIC CAT ACADEMY STORY)Where stories live. Discover now