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Dusk emerged from the small doorway and looked around. She was devastated to see that the library was mostly empty, except for a few books on the high shelves. The air felt stale, and Dusk wondered if anyone had escaped. Dusk trotted into the center and gazed around.

"Hello?" She yowled, her voice echoing into the night. Dusk heard something behind her and twisted to see what it was. She saw nothing except neatly stacked crates. "I know someone is here! I heard you."

"Can you prove someone is here?" Dusk shivered at the voice and held up her wand. Instinctively, she fluffed up her fur to look bigger and drew her lips back in a snarl. "If you're the strongest thing this place has to offer, I think we've already won." Dusk saw a fluffy white pelt appear before her, just a shadow at first, then a cat. Its eyes were jet-black, and its pupils were white. It's a ghost, she thought, fear spiking her fur up. Dusk arched her back and hissed. The ghost stared at her, tail lashing. As he unsheathed his claws, Dusk backed up. "What's wrong?" He mewed in a mocking tone. "Are you scared? Don't worry. You'll join us soon." Swiftly, the ghost threw itself at Dusk. Dusk dodged his attack but was surprised at how quickly another one hit. The ghost hurled her into the air, clawing her back. Blood oozed from the gash and soon trickled onto the floor. The ghost chuckled and pounced again. Dusk flailed her paws helplessly, trying to defend herself, and managed to push the ghost away. Dusk grabbed her wand and cast whatever spell could protect her. As her magic worked, poison smog was released from the rod and into the atmosphere. Dusk heard violent hacking and noticed the ghost was about to attack. Dusk ducked, but it was to her throat as the ghost landed another strike. Dusk felt claws digging into her throat and wanted to scream in pain, but all she could feel when she tried to shriek was her blood spurting out. Dusk's heart was pounding when the ghost finally let go, and she sank to the ground. She was lying in a pool of blood, and the awful taste of it filled her mouth. Dusk could see the ghost creeping forward, starting to laugh. He's going to kill me! Dusk realized, horror in her eyes. Is this the end?

This is a very short chapter for one reason- a cliffhanger. 

Mark of the Moon (MAGIC CAT ACADEMY STORY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora