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The dean had called Snow and Dusk to his office. Snow seemed nervous, like she had done something wrong. Dusk wasn't concerned; the dean was already obsessed with her. Snow leaned over and whispered in Dusk's ear.

"I traded at lunch. What if I'm in trouble?" Snow mewed, her voice shaky. Dusk snorted.

"Wouldn't he call only you?" Dusk purred. Snow was reassured by Dusk's humor and sat up as the dean trotted into his office. He sank into his chair and glanced up at two she-cats.

"We teach four spells in class. However, I have a spell both of you might want to learn. It's called the lightning spell. Both of you can draw a lightning bolt, correct?" Simon asked. Both of them nodded. "Let's go outside, and I'll show you how to cast it." Simon squeezed through another door leading out to an area covered in hay, some green and some burnt. Dusk gazed up at the sky, seeing a thick bane of clouds. The whole landscape was drowned in the shade, with no sunlight shining on the hay bales. Dusk returned her attention to Simon, who brought a fluffy bale over to them. He rested his tail on it, his fur blending with the ash-covered top. "Just draw a lightning bolt in the air. When you strike, mean it. Just don't go crazy." He added with a smirk. Snow ignored his comment and raised her wand. She made a diagonal line in the air, swishing it with confidence sparkling in her eyes. It took her five whole seconds to draw the shape. Suddenly, a bright electricity line struck the hay, setting it ablaze. The flame spread swiftly and tore off the plastic wrap around it. Dusk's fur stood on end at the growing flame. But with a quick look at Simon, he seemed unimpressed. "You can start a fire but can't electrocute a bale of hay? The tips aren't sticking up; that's how you know it was a pathetic bolt." Simon's big words hurt Snow, her confidence destroyed, and now she was staring at her paws, muttering words to faint for Dusk to hear. Dusk could set her eyes on the fact that none of the scorching tips were sticking up; they all lay flat against the center. "You try now, Dusk." Simon meowed. Nodding in reply, Dusk pictured a lightning bolt in her head, lighting up the sky and thunder crashing after. She drew what she saw in her imaginary storm and laid back her ears and paws as she let out a wave of lightning. It came down from the clouds and struck Snow's bale, and all that remained when the blast was gone was a pile of ash. Snow shuffled her paws through the ash, surprise escaping her in a gasp.

"How..." She mumbled. "You are stronger than even a real lightning storm. If that struck a living cat, everything around it would perish." Dusk wanted to feel proud, but she was just as dumbfounded by her strength. Dusk's amber eyes glowed with warmth, and for once, she felt sunlight on her fur right below her eyes. Her tabby fur shined radiantly under the sun's light as the clouds cleared away. Simon's jaw was wide open, and his ears flicked inquisitively. I must be a great student, Dusk thought, joy prickling under her black coat. Everyone expects the most of me, and then they act shocked when I do what they tell me to. Did Snow get this treatment? Dusk saw that the pale clouds had turned into fuzzy white covers. They made a hole in the sky for the sun to show Dusk in the spotlight. Snow finally let out a purr seeing Dusk so poised. "I wish I were as good as you, but you haven't even learned the next advanced spell!" Snow tittered, lashing her tail once.

"She hasn't learned the second advanced spell? I'll teach it to her now!" Simon barked. Snow backed up, intimidated by his strict words. Simon's spotted pelt was now covered in sunlight. Dusk realized she hadn't spoken for a long time. "The next spell you need to learn is the speed spell. Remember the poison spell? Just draw it upside-down." Dusk lifted her wand to the sky and drew an upside-down triangle, raising her paws higher because she was pretty short. Her black fur tips sprung up and waved in the wind, and her claws felt like she could tear anything to shreds. Dusk bounced over to a small wet hay bale and raked her nails along it, clawing out lumps of hay and ripping the plastic ribbon in two. She landed quick blows on it and didn't stop till her fur lay flat, and she didn't feel the urge to make gashes in something. Snow looked scared. "The effect wears off after the encouragement to attack something, but usually, it only has enough power to cut through a piece of paper. And now my training yard is covered in a piece of wet hay. Great." Simon sighed, licking his pads. Dusk's ears drew back. "It's OK. I don't need a training yard to be neat. The last time this was neat was when it set up." Simon's whiskers quivered humorously. Snow was curled up watching Dusk; only her head showed white under her cloak. Dusk remembered that she was wearing a cloak too, but it was so comfy she had forgotten. "That's enough. You can go back to your regular schedule. You skipped class for this, so you better be grateful. Simon disappeared through the door he had entered through. Snow stood up and shook her pelt, clumps of white fur appearing beneath her.

"Are you jealous?" Dusk breathed, relieved to be speaking again. Snow turned her head away.

"No! You can't master fire spells or release a flamethrower!" Snow protested. But Dusk could sense she wished she could cast powerful spells and be far past praised for her magic skills.

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