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Dusk sunbathed on a flat stone. The sun was boring down on her today, and for once, she felt peace. Dusk closed her eyes to block out the sun and felt sleep chasing her. Dusk mumbled something as she batted at the air, imagining she was clawing up moss.

"Hey! I want to be Dusk this time!"

"But you're always Dusk! So I deserve it for once!"

"You can't even run without tripping over someone's tail!" Dusk squeaked as a ball of fluff bumped into her. Dusk opened her eyes and saw Rusty, the kitten with a fiery pelt that swallowed his whole body. "Oops! Sorry, Dusk!" Dusk hopped to her feet and pushed the kit away. She glanced up at the sky. Specks of fluffy clouds dotted the sky. The familiar red scar still cut through the beauty. Dusk padded over to Rusty's friend, Brindle. Brindle was a puppy with a hickory-colored, bushy tail. Rusty constantly bullied him for tripping over it, but Brindle insisted it would be helpful one day. 

"You two aren't just trying to distract me so Spider can sneak in, are you?" The two friends exchanged guilty glances.

"Spider! Quick!" A giant tomcat with black paws rushed out of the bushes and bolted into the building everyone called the Trophy House. Dusk rushed in after him and grabbed him by the scruff before he could scratch one of the trophies.

"Thanks for getting him, Dusk." Dapple, the current Trophy Master, mewed. Dusk nodded and dragged the kitten out. He set him next to Rusty. I'll see Puddles. He's going to be watching for "someone special" again. Dusk hurried across the island as fast as her paws could carry her until she was out of breath. Dusk glimpsed through the reddish rocks. There sat Puddles, the medic's assistant. He was no longer a kitten, his legs had grown, and his fluffy kit fur was now sleek and clung to his back. Puddles were still, staring into the sky. 

"Um, Puddles? I need you to stuff Spider with poppy seeds again." Dusk snorted, hoping he'd turn. 

"Ask Minty. She'll give him so many he'd sleep until the games began. Then, of course, he'd wake up to try to break his spine in rugby again." Puddles spoke slowly but didn't shift his gaze.

"Please, Puddles. You've never left this spot since Minty promised you could get a break."

"I need to find this person! I look every day, and they never arrive!"

"Don't you remember when I first came here? You were my best friend! You taught me how fun it was to stalk The Crane's wings! So now he is a better friend of mine than you."

"Leave me alone, Dusk. I'm sorry, but you have trophies to clean." Puddles chuckled. For once, Dusk could sense some amusement in his voice.

"Fine. I'll go clean trophies. But someday, you'll wish I was here!" Dusk stomped away.

🎉Guess what? This is the end of Mark of the Moon! THE CHOSEN ONE IS NEXT! 🎉 

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