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"Is that-" Dusk took a deep breath, confused about what she was staring at. "Is that the planetarium I made for science class?" A ghost stood before her. His head was the base of the planetarium. Yellow paint licked up his ears until it stopped revealing a rippled fur lined with lilac dust. Dusk searched his body for the planet she had made, and her gaze rested on a torn ball of foam. The once soft and squishy bits of foam along Saturn's rings now resembled claws of how sharp they were. Dusk knew they would fall if they brushed her pelt, but the specks looked like claws that could scratch up fur and break through her skin. Dusk shivered, remembering how terrified she had been when she could taste her blood boiling in her jaws. The horrible tang of her lifeblood filling her maw returned for a heartbeat, but she was relieved as it went away. She studied the rest of the ghost, noticing the maroon color of Mars along his tail, which seemed to stretch farther than the horizon. "Alright! I'm ready to destroy my science project!" Dusk mewed, her whiskers quivering in amusement. Typically, Heart would've sat hunched over anything significant in the room, inquisitively watching Dusk battle ghosts. Whenever a ghost that wasn't battle-hungry appeared, Heart made a sly comment about its appearance. Dusk realized how much she missed Heart's comforting presence. When the bushes rustled during Dusk's reunion with her friend, she'd gotten her hopes up thinking it was Heart. Two ghosts jumped out of the shrubs, screaming when they saw Dusk beside Sapphire. Frog tackled them while they were in shock, and they pelted away. Dusk interpreted what attacks she would need, flinging herself to the present. He seems so sturdy that water wouldn't work. But those claws! I need strength to kill him! Dusk hoisted her wand and drew a clean upside-down triangle, hiding her smug smile. Then she considered how stupid she seemed. I look like an idiot! Dusk felt a spark of joy burn inside her. Heart would say I look like a snob! Energy lifted her spirits as she bolted at the ghost with extreme speed. She was surprised when he turned, his long tail lashing. Before Dusk could even cover half the space toward him, he gripped her in his tail. Wrapped up in his tail, Dusk tried to bite down but was not swift enough as she was thrust into a lab table. The wood collided with her body, knocking the wind out of her. Dusk shrieked on the ground, gasping for air. Look at the length of that tail! Suddenly, a glass shower bore down on Dusk, glass flecks scattering like a snowstorm. Avoiding the shattered pieces of beakers, Dusk leaped to her paws but tripped over his tail again as he clutched her foot, throwing her to the other side of the room. A breeze ran along Dusk's muzzle when she hit the wall. Sliding down painfully, Dusk heard her chest rising and falling and was reassured she was still breathing. The ghost stalked over, crouching near Dusk's ear. Dusk felt his shallow breath wash over her face and wrinkle her nose.

"I can't kill you. But I know someone who will." He sneered. He rested his tail along her flank, sending a chill through Dusk's body.

"Hey! Mimas! Wait for me!" A voice squealed. A cat with a twisted paw ran out and crashed to the ground when he stumbled over Mimas's tail. Mimas growled.

"Not you again. I don't want to talk Sapphire to death! Get out of here, you weirdo!" Mimas growled. Wisteria remained unfazed. Dusk rolled her eyes at the deformed ghost.

"But watch this! Hey Sapphire! Remember me? Don't we love each other?" Mimas was about to hurl. Dusk jumped to her feet and clawed the arrogant ghost in the eyes with her last bit of endless energy. He barked and leaped back, rubbing his eyes. "Why would you hurt me!" He cried, then proceeded to run away. Dusk flopped around on the floor, dropping her wand and sticking her tongue out like she was dead. She wasn't dead, but she wanted to see Wisteria's reaction. The ghostly tom crouched over her unmoving body, lapping it worriedly. Dusk tried to throw him away, but she couldn't find her paws. Every lick felt lifeless and cold. "Wake up! Don't die!" He squeaked, whimpering like a puppy. Dusk knew he was stupid because he didn't even hear her breathing.

"What are you doing? Why are you mooning over that kitten?" Mimas snarled, his fur sticking up. Wisteria turned, fear sparking his gaze. Mimas hooked Wisteria with his tail and threw him away, shrugging as he hit the wall with a thump. "Annoying fluffball. I guess I have to finish you myself." Dusk's eyes flickered open, and she reached out to grasp her wand, but Mimas kicked it out of her reach. Dusk flailed her paws, moving closer to hold the rod.

"Ambush!" Wisteria exploded out of the shadows, knocking Mimas away from Dusk. Dusk rolled her eyes again.

"What is wrong with you, Wisteria? I was about to kill her, but now I'd rather kill you!" Mimas growled in Wisteria's face. The rest of Mimas's complaining dissolved into a blur as Dusk's eyes began to close. She tucked her paws under her muzzle, letting the dim moonlight flee from her sight as her eyelids chased it away. I haven't slept for a day... The muffled voices silenced as Dusk was pulled into the tempting clutches of sleep.

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