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  14 years ago .. inside a crowded city of seoul

  The background  hip-hop  music thrusted inside his ears with more power , that he darted with disgusted face looking straight to the man in the stage , mesmerizing Jaws , perfect body shape .. with a jeans jumpsuit , In a diffrent style of holding the mic .. rapping his heart out .. with  a eliquent band behind him producing diffrents beats with their heavy instruments . The peoples were singing their voice out , jumping and jumping  to encourage the  underated street underground music  band .

  "Clear the spot " the young man on his 20s  on the uniform  shouted still looking at the stage where the man at his band was singing his heart out devouring their passions by splitting  their voices and energy that left in their body . The music band halted hearing the deep voice of the man who shouted and eventually turning their gazes towards the direction where the deep voice established  , though the man in uniform doesn't have a mic , his voice almost hit the eardrums of the men and  women's  crowded their, some of thems were  drunk and some of them were  in weeds  and some of them were only  enjoys the music to their heart .

"Fucking  cops.."

The man on the stage .. who was rapping a while ago mumbled with a dissatisfied face  and rolled his eyes upwards seeing unfamilier cops appearing near in front of him with stern and cold look ..

"Hoseok .. jung hoseok right.. ??"

"No .. it's j hope .. "  , the owner of the husky deep voice in the uniform  asked to the rapper on the stage.. who have a long hair almost touching his shoulders  with a slight blond  colour was bleached  at  tips of his   hair and the bangs which is eloquently covering his forehead ..


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  "Oh.. j hope .. if you don't want us to forcefully broke everything,  you should be out of the place  in 10 minutes with your equipments and your people  , moreover must clean this place.."

"Why should I..," the ignorant  street rapper blurred out angryly looking straight to the almound brown eyes of the lowclass police officer , who just shifted his gaze towards the people behind the rapper , the one with the electric guitar and other one with a  normal guitar  and last in the middle  a drummer , his Grey  pale  slim fingers curved  around the pair of  slim  drum sticks . The police officer can't clearly observe the features,   as before the rapper speak with his arrogant tone .

"I ask why should we remove our stage .. its the only place we can deliver music sir "

"Cause it's public  government property mr.. I have some mercy that I didn't take action yet if any other police officer in my possition they would throw you out at second seeing some  street underground band dancing and rapping standing in a helipad .."

  "Its abundoned sir.. after building the new helipad this helipad was almost abundoned for years .. most of the government official and employees always launched their ..then why shouldn't  we performs our music here .."

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