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  The almound brown eyes scans the surroundings, the detective doesn't know why but his heart beats was a little bit rest less today , the wounded  heart and mind was making him reminding him  something that he didnt know , the Cresent moon outside in this crowded semibasement .. makes him scared , evethough there Is a lot team members and officers with him , the missing case of 6 year old .. finally make them to enter infamy semi basement , mostly famous for crimes .. rapes and kidnapping.. and murders ... , the little girl they kidnapped must be raped to death by now or must be in some stage ready to auctioned by rich for their sexual desires .. it's cruel that they didn't even leave 6 year old too.

" Tae .. we got little girls body , in the wood near .. , and here is a auction also happening near by , where should we go ?? "

" How about we seperate as two groups , group A go to woods , tell the family to identify the body and group B go to auction .. I will be in B ."

" Okey " ,the group of detectives separated after bid good byes .. taehyung take a deep sigh looking straight to the crowded valley ,... drunks all overs , women's and gents bargaining over for enter the brothels , even having puplic makeouts and sex like everyone here was invisible,  though he also once do a public sex , funny that he did it exactly at the same place he standing now .. he was at his euphoria at that time how can he forget that easily ,  but seeing it from his eyes.. it's really feel disgusting ... but when he did it with his lover at this place ..leaving the surroundings and this world behind .. he first in his life feels like he achieve something... this place is really special to his heart

  " Tae , you know the auction here was dangerous.. how about we use weapons .. "

"No , there is no way  Kai.. they must have more equipment than us .. we can't put our members life on this shit  .. we simply go their buy the girl with our money and handover to her respective family that's it .. "

" But what about the arrest"

" Why should we arrest them,   when they eventually came out as innocents.."

 Yeah your right  ... "

The detectives with eliquent black suits nodded , taking their steps towards the  place they have to go, red lights falling on their eyes with the erotic music on the back ground.. there hunched chest  , breathing in a uneven pase as how nervous they were ,  after walking for a three or four minutes ...the detectives finally see their destination... first in the semi basement , a rich crowded area .. bargaining like  dirty swines for little lady on the middle , hugging her tiger plushie like her life deepened on it, they can easily access there as how much luxurious looking they were ..

  " 2 million won "

   " Choi .. how can you call her  for only 2 million .. she is ..she is ..just wow , look at her .. daughter of that famous ex mafias... 10 million ..  fuck I want her ... "

" 50 million .. I don't have time for this shit "

The whole crowd go to a sudden silent , looking back seeing a young ethreal man , standing in full black .. his expression less almound brown eyes  cleaving the  little soul  on  the middle,  finally  tearing up  ..dont knowing what to do ..., with her beutifull almound brown eyes .. that was really catchy for the detective can a little girl can give butterflies on his heart and mind ... her cute eyes only makes him remember his own elder son , she really have so many resembles of himself.  The man on the side of her smirk widely hearing  the amount , clapping himself  he announced loudly yet showing how happy he is , " she is sold .."  , Taehyung gulped his saliva that stucked on his dried sore throat,  stepping towards he feels his lacerated heart was being tored again yet it get stiched painfully  .. the way towards the girls was feels like really long ..thought it was only 5 steps afar ..

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