Where the hell have I been? (Explanation)

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Hey everyone-
So I know it's been a while.. and I severely apologize- I wanted to tell you all what has been going on. And where I have been, you all deserve an explanation and I am happy to give it to you!

One of the first reasons is well, writers block- I have no motivation to write and even when I do I can't even finish anything!

Reason 2: I'm currently going through a very rough point in my life with my own family- I won't go into details but these next few months or even years are going to be very chaotic for me..

Reason 3: it's obviously school- I have a lot of work, daily- and it's been keeping me away from writing!

Reason 4: I tried something new and yes it may sound weird (cough I've been doing rps with a character AI) yes I know, "Alex that's stupid and weird!" I got the idea from someone who did it and posted it on AO3..
(I regret nothing!!~)

What does this mean for "A centaurs promise" and "After school troubles"? Absolutely nothing both will still be written and worked on.. just very slow updates-

When will be the next chapter?: I wish I could say a date but I really can't- my schedule is hectic and crazy, but if I ever find free time ever again. Expect to see me here 😉

(I also wanted to thank you all for your support- when I first had the crazy idea to write a book I thought I was crazy, but you all proved me wrong- thank you)

(And if anyone wants stories from the AI rps posted lemme know and I'll see what I can do!)

Until sometime in the near future firefly's!!

Author Alex, signing out!

꧁𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜꧂ (A Sun/Moon x fem!reader story)Where stories live. Discover now