Chapter 5

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We were happy to be back at school. We went to the club room, and saw Elisabeth sleeping on the couch. We all surrounded her, and smiled. Honey crawled up beside her, and fell asleep. She wake up with wide eyes, and a smile. She cuddled with him before falling asleep again. The rest of us moved to do other things. Tomorrow was Halloween, and the classes decided to have a ball. Host Club was decided to decorate the ballroom, so we were getting the stuff. Mori stayed with Honey and Elisabeth, as the rest of us went to get things ready.

"Ok, so you are allergic to Lemons, Silver, and what else?" Hikaru asked.

"Well, that is it!" I answered with a smile.

Once we got to the ballroom we started to decorate. I did all the ceiling things, and the creepy lighting. It looked like a horror movie. I had lights flouting around to make it look like ghosts were carrying candles.

"This looks good!" Kyoya said closing his book.

"It is perfect!" I said with a smile.

We went back to the club room, and smiled at the others. Wanda was sitting at a table reading a book.

"Hey mom!" I said walking over to her.

I told the others that she adopted me, so they did not ask me anything.

"We have a problem!" She said without looking up, "Tomorrow is a red moon!"

"WHAT? No no no no!" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me confused. Wanda knew that I read all the books that vampires wrote about our kind.

"Does Elisabeth know?" I asked looking at everyone.

"No, would you tell her?" Wanda answered.

I nodded, and smiled at everyone.

"Tomorrow is a red moon! Which means that all vampires are going to be acting different!" I said looking at Elisabeth, "It is ok if you are around people that know about you, but your powers don't work normal!"

"What do you mean?" Kaoru asked.

"Until the moon rises I can use my powers, but once it is risen I can't use any of them at all! What ever I have done before hand will stay, but that is all until the next morning!"

Wanda closed her book, and looked around the room.

"Honey, you must watch after Elisabeth, but not in a way that would make you seem like a child molester! Mori, you must watch after Ginny! Honey, you need to learn what Elisabeth is allergic to!" Wanda said looking at the marked ones, "I will find someone to watch over me!"

"I will watch over you, as long as you tell me what I need to know about you!" Kyoya said, which got a confused stare from us all.

He did not care about the stare, and went back to writing. He sat down at the table with Wanda. She went back to reading.

"Now, we just need dates for the twins!" I said looking at Hikaru and Kaoru.

"We don't need dates!" they said together.

"The ball has a rule of no host club member may go if not with a date!"

I handed them the paper that all of them had signed that said all the host club rules. The boys wanted to see if the girls would go with them if the host club was unavailable. The twins hung their heads.

"It can be anyone from the three grades!" I said with a smile.

"I will see if the Poe twins would like to go!" Wanda said standing up.

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