Chapter Three - Wolfe

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A week later, I still have images of my new tenant and those damn sex toys in my mind. I haven't seen her, not since the night we met but I'm having wet dreams like a damn teenage kid again. I cant help but wonder if she took my not so subtle advice and tried those toys before trying to recommend them to anyone. I can picture her now, that voluptuous body spread on a bed, curly hair framing her round face, legs wide open for me to...


Guilt consumes me as the thought of another woman clouds the memory of Kathleen. I let another woman into the house that was one day supposed to belong to our kid, I'm letting that woman into my brain. The fuck am I doing.

I crack the whip loudly, letting the tension in my body out through the tool I'm holding.

Concentration is a must when wielding this, and luckily no one is around to be maimed by me getting distracted.

As someone who co-owns a BDSM club, it's important I keep my skills sharp for the seminars. Even if I haven't been a Dom for a while.

Sweat drips down my temples as I crack the whip over and over against our training dummy. My arm is burning, and while I know I need to stop or I'll be too fucking sore to train anyone; I miss a good workout like this. All I need is a beautiful behind to whip and I'd be happy as a clam.

The thought is so unlike me that it catches me off guard and the whip hits the wall behind where I was aiming. Well fuck, now I'll have to fix the destruction before Ace notices.

Dropping the whip, I get a towel and wipe my face.

"Wanna tell me what that was about?"

Of course the fucker had to be right there. And I hadn't noticed I was being watched, which means I was way more distracted than I thought. Not good.

Really not good.

"Don't know what you're talking about."

"It's obvious you're off your game. Can't have you teaching a seminar if your head isn't in it."

I narrow my eyes. Ace has been my friend for years; hell, that's why we're in the business together, but he knows there is a line I won't let him cross.

"My head is fine."

He nods, not believing a word. Whatever.

"Everyone is upstairs waiting for you." I flinch when I realize that I am late for our monthly Dom meeting. I don't have to look up to know that everyone is leaning over the rails watching me.

Our club La Nuit has several floors and an open area in the middle that allows people to look up or down; though usually the show is down in the dungeon where I am.

I grab the whip and make sure it's okay after my little distraction, before I put it away along with the wet towel. Rotating my shoulder, I know I overdid it and I'm going to pay for it tomorrow.

When I get upstairs, I see the Doms and Dommes are all here. The way they look at me makes me feel like I'm a damn sub on display. I look all of them in the eye, they should know better than to challenge me. The only one I struggle with is Zane, but the fucker is a therapist and can read me like a fucking book, no doubt. He probably doesn't know the full story, only whatever these gossip queens have told him.

Amara, our toughest Domme, comes up to me with a grin. "If you need some lessons using the whip, I'd be happy to teach you."

I raise a brow. "Be happy you're not a helpless sub, Amara. I'd have you over my knees in a heartbeat."

Her smile turns sad. "If that were true, I'd switch in a minute, just to have you back with us."

A sharp inhale is all she gets as a reply. Like every other Dom here, she's well aware I haven't played in a very long time. Perhaps it's time for me to hand over the reigns to Ace completely and find something else to do. Living the life of a monk and owning a sex club are two things that are not exactly compatible.

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