Chapter Thirteen - Kendra

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My palms are sweaty as I knock on Wolfe's door. It's been a few days since the event at the club, okay, no, let me rephrase that. It's been a few days since Wolfe ate my pussy so good I saw stars and then casually called it a mistake.

So I'm hoping he's over himself by now since I have a proposition for him. Well, it was RaeRae's idea, but who am I to disagree. We came up with a plan, and here's to hoping it will work.

Knocking again, I hear a loud "Yeah yeah, I'm coming."

Now there's an image I didn't know I needed. The door opens as I'm licking my lips and my cheeks start burning up. Pressing my lips together, I hold back a smile.

"Oh." The disappointment in his voice hurts but I quickly push that aside when I see his face. "What happened?"


"Let me guess, another mistake?"

He's cleaning his hands with a dirty rag, only making the oily black substance on it spread. His white shirt and jeans are covered in smudges and with the black and blue eye he's sporting, he's the image of a total bad boy. Except for the gray in his hair, which makes him a total bad man... yet that doesn't sound as exciting somehow.

"Did you need anything, Kendra?" The way he says my name, with pure exhaustion, pisses me off. None of this is my fault, yet he is treating me like I am some vicious femme fatale out to get him.

"I have a proposition for you."

With his arms crossed in front of him, he narrows his eyes. "I'm not interested."

Exactly what we knew he would say.

Before he can close the door on me, I push it back with my hand. "The least you could do is hear me out."

His jaw tightens and he knows I'm right.

"You have two minutes."

Looking around, I see a few neighbors lingering, some with their dogs, others walking with their kids. "Can we do this inside, please?"

Wolfe lets out an exasperated breath and seems to hesitate only a moment before moving away and letting me through. I look around with curiosity, his place is nothing like I expected. It's pretty much a copy of the house I am renting. The mantel over the fireplace is a shrine, with a huge photograph of Kathleen in a submissive pose hanging right over it. The differences between her and me are so overwhelming I am finding it hard to focus. He isn't over her. He is nowhere near over her. That explains a lot.

Me coming here was a stupid idea. But I knew that already.

"Did you actually have a proposition or are you just being nosy?"

RaeRae made me promise to go through with this, no matter what. So here I go.

"I've been told you're sort of a trainer in the club."

His eyes narrow and I can almost see him wondering where the hell I am going with this.

"So, I was wondering if..."

"No." His jaw is set and I don't have to be a body language expert to feel his rejection. "You haven't even heard me out."

"I can see where you're going with this. The answer is no."


His frown is almost comical. "What do you mean why. Because I fucking say so. I don't need to give you explanations, sweetheart."

"RaeRae told me you helped her when she was new."

He throws up his hands and laughs. "Rae. Of course Rae told you." He shakes his head, dead-serious again and points a finger at me. "You tell that nosy sub to get her nose out of my fucking business, and she better be ready next time she's in the club, because I'm making Jared spank her ass black and blue."

"Why not do it yourself?"

"Watch it, Kendra. My patience is limited, and we're not in the club where anyone else can play your hero."

I play with the bow of my top. A beautiful black lace number that gives me a nice cleavage, is not quite see through and ties in the front. I finally went shopping with my new bestie and the woman is deliciously calculated in her tastes. It would be so, so easy to pull on the bow and oops, have them pop out. But that's not part of the plan. Not yet, at least.

"It's just a question, Leo. Mr. Wolfe." I smile widely. "Sorry, I'm really not sure on what I'm supposed to call you. Maybe I should just stick to Sir?"

A harsh breath escapes him and I could swear I hear him mutter the word 'fuck' under his breath.

"Get out."

When I look up at him, or down, rather, I see he is hard.

"Why are you being so stubborn? You obviously want me!" I lift my hand towards it, as if he isn't aware of just how hard his cock is. I lick my lips, dying for a taste, dirty as he is.

"It's none of your fucking business why I don't want to fuck you. Now get the fuck out."

"It is my business if the reason why your dick is up, is me! Why are you denying us both something we want?"

"I don't fucking want you, okay?" He comes closer, nostrils flaring. "I want my wife. In case you haven't noticed, her picture is up right behind you. Don't flatter yourself sweetheart. This erection isn't for you."

RaeRae warned me he would lash out, it's what he does.

"Fine. You know what. Your loss."

I walk past him to leave and he grabs my arm as I'm almost at the door.

"I'm not being intentionally cruel. But this, whatever feelings you're developing... nothing is going to come from it. Not now, not ever."

My frown burrows as I look at him. "Feelings?" I bark out a laugh. "Don't flatter yourself sweetheart," I shoot back, "there are no 'feelings'". I was just asking you to teach me how to be a better submissive so one day I can negotiate with Doms and know what I want and what to expect. But if you don't want to, that's absolutely fine. You said it yourself, Ace would probably be willing to, how did you say it, take me under his wings?"

With a grin I try to keep going, but he spins me around and pushes up against me. His mouth is so close to mine that his beard tickles my lips.

"Didn't we do this just the other day?" I say in a bored tone, despite my heart beating like crazy.

"Leave Ace the fuck alone. I mean it."

"Tell you what, why don't I ask him first and depending on what he says..."

"Ace is more fucked up than I am, Kendra. You don't want to be anywhere near that."

"Hey, we're all fucked up in one way or another. Some of us are just trying to escape our demons, while others just cling to them so they have an excuse not to live life."

"Fuck you, Kendra."

"That's what I'm asking, but you don't want to." I move my hand and grab his hard cock through the fabric of his jeans. "This isn't for me, remember?"

He growls and I can tell he is about to kiss me senseless.

As much as I want to, I push him away. "Sorry, if I can't have your cock, you can't have this wet ass pussy."

The look on his face is gold. Gotta love Cardi for that empowering song. I wish I could take a picture of his expression and frame it for the club. The man is not used to being told no. That much is for sure.

It's only when I'm inside my own home that I hear the soft click of his door. My heart is pounding. How I have been strong enough to walk away is anyone's guess.

But now it's time for another part of our plan. I go to my bedroom on shaky legs and open the window. Luckily it faces the back of the house and behind the property, there is a small patch of trees, like a mini forest.

The neighbors should be at work, but if not... well, they're in for a show. Or a concert, rather.

I get my new toy off its charger and remember the instructions RaeRae gave me.

Relax, get naked, lie back and enjoy... and most importantly, scream as if your life depends on it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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