Chapter Six - Wolfe

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My leg is fucking killing me and I'm in a foul mood. I have no intention of leaving the office today. Not while the mother hens are around, considering we had an early meeting before opening. My leg is throbbing, and I realize I probably need to visit my prosthetist. Perhaps it is time to finally get a new prosthetic, as I haven't been back since the accident. Or rather, since a few months after, when my leg had healed, and I was finally allowed to wear the prosthetic on my stump.

I'm tempted to take the prosthetic off and to hell with it. But I can't do that here. I've never done that here. I've never needed to. Or never wanted to.

That probably says a lot about me, but I don't give a fuck.

The knock on the door is unexpected and startles me, making my leg throb even more. I can't hide a grimace in time.

"Hey man, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Ace looks at me, obviously not believing the blatant lie. A neat trick most good Doms have, we can smell a lie better than a bloodhound.

"I can take you to a doctor if you need to see someone."

See, this was the problem with Ace, I can't hate the bastard. He's been there through my worst moments. Even when I'd thrown things at him, screaming for him to get the hell out of my hospital room. Ace, Jared and all the Doms had been there for me, knowing I needed them. As unconventional as it may be, we're family, we have each other's backs.

"When is the last time...?"

"Don't go there, Ace."

The other Dom puts both hands in his pockets and looks at me in disbelief, throwing his head back with an exasperated sigh.

"Do not tell me you have been stupid enough not to follow up with your doctor."

"None of your business."

"You stubborn son of a..."

I slam my fist on the table with a loud thump, which only makes Ace raise his eyebrows at me. My frustration is showing.

Crossing his arms, Ace grins, "Is this about the leg, or the girl?"

I squeeze the bridge of my nose with two fingers, and close my eyes, a headache starting to form. Why on earth did I ever tell him about my new next door neighbor?

"I'm not in the mood, Ace."

He raises his hands as if in surrender and puts an innocent face on. "Hey, man, as you wish. I'm just here to update you on the meeting."

There's a knock on the door and Jared walks in before waiting for an answer. "Ace man, have you seen the babe the Goddess has brought in?"

I frown but ignore them and go back to my paperwork.

"I thought Amara was with Lennox."

"She is, but I think this is the girl for the bachelorette thing. Amara mentioned she wanted to show the poor girl around before the party. She doesn't seem to have a clue of what BDSM entails, and the Goddess didn't want her to have a conniption when she saw some of our people at the bachelor party."

Jared is talking to Ace but I perk up at the mention of her name. He looks at me, "She's your neighbor, isn't she? What's her deal?"

"Don't go there, Jared." He lifts his hands.

"Hey, man, I'm not saying anything, but if you're not gonna, do you mind if I...?"

I get up so fast I almost get dizzy, and I put my finger in his face. "Stay the fuck away from her. She's not from this world. She's not in the lifestyle."

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