Chapter 1

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Ponyboy's POV:

As I woke from a sleepless slumber, I quickly noticed that something was off. I had a sharp shooting pain coursing through my abdomen and I couldn't help but let out a groan in spite of myself. Thank god nobody heard that, I thought. I decided that I had to at least try something to make the pain go away, because it was unbearable and I knew that there was no way I could ever make it through breakfast without at least leaving the guys skeptical. Hopefully I don't need to go to any doctors or anything. The guys can't find out about this, they'll think I'm pathetic.

I tried to stabilize myself, which only made my stomach more aggravated. All of a sudden, sharp shooting pains were taking over my stomach. I laid on the ground, begging and pleading for it to go away. All of a sudden my door opened. I jumped but calmed down once I saw who it was. It was Soda.

"Everything alright Pone? Why are you layin' on the floor you silly goose."Oh shoot. Now I had to come up with an excuse, and quick. If I didn't, Soda was going to start shooting questions at me, which would only make everything worse.

"Yep everything's j-just f-fine. I was just umm looking under my bed for something." Soda looked a bit confused and it looked like he was onto something. All of a sudden he just smiled and shrugged.

"Oh that's cool Pone, what for?"

"Uhhhh I forgot."

"Oh. Okay. But um, Darry wants you to come eat. The whole gang's already up and ya know how they eat like pigs."Oh no. I didn't want to eat. If almost on cue, nausea grew inside my stomach and I had to cover my mouth before I started gagging.

"Uhm Soda? I gotta go to the bathroom and then I'll come out."

"Okay Pone. Hurry before Two-bit and Steve eat all the bacon" Soda chuckled and then let out a sigh.

I hurried to the bathroom before Soda could say anything else. I took a look in the mirror and realized why Soda was skeptical. I was super pale. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I had just woke up and already Soda was skeptical, and I didn't have school today so I had to spend the whole entire day with the guys. I was in for a real treat. My stomach was only getting worse, I didn't know how much more of this I could take without doing something and alerting the gang. Besides, I was terrified of doctors. This was something the gang didn't know about me, and I wasn't itching to let them find out.

A/n:Hi everyone! I'm excited to be writing this and I was wondering if I could get some feedback so far! I enjoyed writing the first chapter and I already have a bunch of ideas for how I could end it.



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