Chapter 7

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Ponyboy's POV:

I have to get out of here. Soda and Darry are going to let these random doctors cut me open without a fight. I need to get away before it's too late. Before I can't escape. What if something goes wrong. What if I don't wake up. I scrambled desperately to open the window. I was just about to hop out of the window when I heard a knock on the door. I almost jumped in spite of myself.

"Hey Pone it's Soda. Are you alright in there?" Soda said.

"Soda I'm scared." I said quietly.

"I know honey I know. It's okay don't worry we can get through this together. The gang and I are right here for you. Just open the door so I can help you tie your gown back up."

"I-I'm sorry Soda, I won't let you in." I said.

Soda opened the door and just as he did I'd escaped. I ran as fast as I could, hoping nobody had saw me. I was wrong.

Soda's POV:

No no no no no no. This is NOT good. My baby brother just ran out the window of the hospital. I had to go get Darry, he'll know what to do. Hopefully we get him back before he gets into trouble. I feel so bad for him though. He's so alone in this situation and nobody understands him. Part of me wants to let him go. But I know I can't.

I ran back into Pony's room, and the guys looked at me when I was huffing and puffing.

"Uhmmmm Darry?" I said nervously.

"What's wrong Soda? Cat got your tongue? And where's Pony I thought you were getting him from the bathroom."

"Uh Darry................" I said, knowing he would get worried.

"What's wrong Soda? Are you okay?"

"Well I went to the bathroom to check on Pony. I tried to help him, but he wouldn't open the door. I didn't want to invade his privacy because what if he was, you know. Unclothed. Anyway he wouldn't open the door and let me in, so I opened it. Pony was gone and the window was open." I said getting worried.

"Well c'mon Soda let's go tell the doctors while we go get him." Darry said with the guys close behind.

"Alright lets go then."

We walked to the front desk and alerted the lady. She said someone had reported spotting him running down the road and she was going to send a few cop cars. We were worried but knew we had to go looking for him too. If he got hurt, he could be in for worse things than surgery.

"C'mon guys let's go try and find him." I said confidently.

"Hey Johnny?" Darry asked as the gang shifted their attention to Johnny who was slouched and looked terrified.

"Y-yea Darry?" Johnny said nervously.

"Well I was wondering if you might know where Pony went. You know him more than anyone where does he go when he's scared?" Darry asked Johnny, with a pleading look.

"Well, I remember him telling telling me he goes to the movie house when he gets scared, but I don't think he'd go there knowing that he's in a hospital gown." Johnny said, happy to be involved in the conversation.

"Your right, anywhere else Johnnycakes?"

"Well, there is someplace." Johnny said while everyone had their eyes on him.

"Where is that?" I asked hopefully.

"He goes to this abandoned church. He sits upstairs looking out the window. I noticed it because of when you guys fight sometimes or if he runs out he comes to the lot and brings me there."

"Thanks Johnnycakes, can you take us there?" I asked hopefully.

"Uhm alright." Johnny said, unsure if he had made the right decision.

And then off we went to Pony's stress spot, nervously. When we arrived, cop cars were already there. I watched nervously, scared for my brother. He must have been scared out of his mind knowing he was surrounded by police officers. I hoped he was okay.

Pony's POV:

I watched the sky nervously while I was sobbing. Right as I was about to relax, the police found me in the only place I felt safe in. I knew they were going to bring me back to the hospital since I was a patient, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to go back there unless they drugged me, or unless my brothers and the gang came for me. I was pretty sure that they'd defend me, but not 100% positive. I couldn't jump out of the window or exit and run. I was surrounded. And scared.

Suddenly through the window, I saw my brothers running towards the church. I relaxed a little and felt safe knowing they would be here to defend me. I knew I had to go back, but I'd rather Darry and Soda and the gang get me than the cops. Boy was I scared.

Soda and Darry burst through the door and engulfed me in an embrace. I started sobbing into their chests while also being worried about what they'd say and how they'd react. I didn't dare look up at them. I couldn't. Quickly, I felt a firm grip on my chin raising my head up to the point where I locked eyes with my eldest brother.

"We were so scared Pone. You had us worried sick." Darry said while rubbing my back.

"I-I'm sorry. Why did the cops come after me? I was so scared and I was waiting for you guys to come." I knew the guys were also confused at this, but they formed an answer.

"It was because you're a patient so they had to go after you because you need medical attention. I'm so sorry I didn't try to stop them but I couldn't. This is something they need to do, or else you'll have bigger problems." Darry said while looking into my eyes.

"I-I'm scared Dar. If I have to go back, can we please just go without being questioned or anything." I needed to know that Darry wasn't going to force me into a cop car or something worse. I just wanted to be comforted and I didn't want to feel like this anymore.

"Yea Pone, I won't let them do anything to you if you don't want to." Darry said. But I didn't trust him, he was going to let some doctors cut me open.

"Yea yea. Because you totally aren't going to let them cut me open tomorrow." I said with disbelief in my eyes.

"Hey I'm sorry but I have to, it'll make you feel better. And besides, aren't you tired of being in pain?" Darry asked hopefully.

"Okay, you've got me there, I guess we could go back if they help me. But I'm not going under Anastasia without a fight." I said proudly.

"It's anesthesia smart guy." Soda said and we couldn't help but chuckle.

We got out and the cops gave us a ride back to the hospital. And Darry and Soda didn't even let them ask me any questions or anything!

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